I think rent is high right now, I have been searching and 2-bed place is up to $1400, I hope to be in September to study but it worries me a lot.
ОтветитьHalifax is indeed affordable. But only compared to other bigger cities and if you are someone FROM those cities. Talking specifically property here.
Can you really say "affordable" for a local? Maybe if you have "old money" meaning having bought property a while ago and having being able to sell during the uprise and use that towards a new house. If you are a first time buyer you are pretty much screwed at the moment.
Another issue or eye opener is I cant help but think are wages in NS that far behind the rest of the bigger cities? Must be if $550k is considered cheap. Because if you have a local family where both partners are working full time jobs and white collar jobs at that and only qualify for $500k mortgage then you have a problem as first time buyer.