3 Things You'll HATE About Syracuse, Utah!

3 Things You'll HATE About Syracuse, Utah!

Brower Brothers

3 года назад

567 Просмотров

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@LoganT69 - 16.07.2023 06:57

Totally agree with all of these.😂

@edwardwhite4015 - 28.10.2024 18:34

I love Syracuse because of the parks and bike trails and I even put an offer down on a house. But then I spent of few days in the city and had to listen to F 35s that generate 115 decibels flying directly over Syracuse, and I don't want to just get used to it.

@BrowerBrothers - 25.01.2022 23:21

Is there anything you hate about Syracuse, Utah?
IG: @DylanBrowerRealtor
FB: @BrowerRealEstateGroup
