I know what that coin is
ОтветитьWhen are u going to make ur next video? Why only one a month? I thought u left the oil patch to do the tubes full time??!!
ОтветитьI dont know if you have heard it yet today or even this year, but I appreciate you Peg. 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝
Ответитьhey uh peg. You happen to sell any zip ties and bias plies stickers? id rock one on the ol ferd.
Ответитьits a hot day in Australia today, that lake looked real good.
ОтветитьRuns great...body is fd....typical...
ОтветитьLMAO, I am not a fan of the garage burners either. Sure enjoy your videos. Greased or ungreased
ОтветитьCosby sauce 😂
ОтветитьThrash metal
ОтветитьThat skidder turned out to be way more of a beast than I expected 😂
ОтветитьOK we get it buddy you don't like dodge lol ! Give me hell Peg!!!
ОтветитьI've ran 460 timber jacks, a 380, a couple 648 John Deeres, ya there ain't nothing like playing with a skidder
ОтветитьHot pile o dodge 😂😂😂
ОтветитьWho needs a crusher when you have a skidder.
ОтветитьThis sounds like the start to a bad bar joke 😅
"Two Dodges and a Skidder walk into a bar..."
Poor trailer....😂
ОтветитьI'm a dodge man lol. They don't let you down.
ОтветитьYou named that 748G Deere properly. I even had a good pecker pine going watching them Dodges meet their end. Cialis is a good name for a Skidder. I used to drive my cousins 440A Deere Skidder and nothing runs like a deere... other than a good true blue Ford.
ОтветитьDamn nice living in gods country a bud beautiful around there where theres not 12 inches of snow lol
ОтветитьWhen your skidder identifies as a feller buncher
ОтветитьCredit where it is due. No clickbait from Peg👌🏽
ОтветитьUr jacked
Ответитьthat is some beautiful country to drive thru
ОтветитьHahahah show em dodges peggie Ford is where its at... MERICA ❤
ОтветитьEpic monster trucking pegin legin
ОтветитьSkidder operator, "there's a road?".
ОтветитьKamoto dragon devouring 2 dodges , trailer too.......are ya stunned
ОтветитьThat' sucks I would bought the rims n tires at least
ОтветитьYou minty😂
ОтветитьHall Margaret Walker Donna Clark Gary
ОтветитьJust a question peg does the old ferd run good on the ol fossil re used oil what sort of mileage
ОтветитьWalker Texas Ranger used to be one my favorite shows too. Chuck Norris just left me a voicemail, he said he wants his truck back.😅
ОтветитьAbout halfway through I'm enjoying this treat. So by wasting thousands of dollars crushing the trucks, does that compensate for the mere hundreds of dollars you'll make from the lifetime of this video?
ОтветитьThe paint job on the Dodge would hold up much better if they quit using so much soy juice in the primer.
ОтветитьSome extra firewood and a few less dodge electrical problems. Minty 👌
ОтветитьU need to video on The prime minister on the way out you doing a video about that would be f**** funny
ОтветитьNo treas was harmed in this vidio.
ОтветитьOne fucking minty guy
ОтветитьYour Editing a spot on Fuckin MINT!
ОтветитьNothing worse than Cummins fan bois
ОтветитьWhere the hell did you get a piece of sobriety coin😂
ОтветитьJust saying to the average man what you did does not make any bit of sense on this earth you obviously have more money than what you know to do with time for another cold one.
ОтветитьLandscaping and dodge destruction 🤘🤘
ОтветитьSorry I can’t give you any money bag but you’re my new fucking hero keep it up I always wanted to know what I could do with a skidder
ОтветитьPeg I love seeing diesel trucks working hard please do more towing videos. I live in the rocky mountains hauling fuel so I love seeing steep grade climbs with trucks