How to Setup 2D Sprite Character Animations - UE4 Paper2D Flipbook Tutorial

How to Setup 2D Sprite Character Animations - UE4 Paper2D Flipbook Tutorial

Chris' Tutorials

4 года назад

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@PakGrantChristie - 06.10.2020 09:11

So cool! I hope you can expand on this.

@jaffnimanlangit5510 - 08.10.2020 22:48

hope u do more tutorial about paper 2d in ue4

@hadtochoose - 29.11.2020 17:16

Very helpful!!! +1 Subcriber! There are not many tutorials about paper 2 in ue4, and the way you taught was pretty direct and effective. I hope you bring more of this in the future :) cheers

@Лаврентьев-б9ф - 30.12.2020 20:05

this is really helped me a lot now I can make my game wheel chair astronauts

@XonixDerps - 12.01.2021 23:18

I watched someone right click sprites they had THEN make a flipbook and it did the animation for them, do you know how to do that shortcut? o:

@chupitolepame5357 - 14.01.2021 00:46

Very nice tutorial, right to the point and clear.
Thanks man

@evolgenius1150 - 24.01.2021 12:01

>:D move over octopath traveler! Chris is here!!!!!

@tommytalksMoney - 25.01.2021 20:04

When i import my custom sprite the quality of the images seems to go down. There’s jagged edges on my sprite. Do you know how to fix this issue ?

@michaelgibson5638 - 14.02.2021 00:31

K. Now how the hell do i make it pick up items, or change animations, or play a death animation... i've been at this all day and no one will help with this... i'm making a 2d side scroller and i'm trying to add the death animation, made a flipbook and have the animation but when i try to add a play animation node it says i have no available assets.... i have a character that runs around in game, it changes animations between idle and running, but cant implement picking up an item, or any other animations... can anyone help??? This is driving me nuts.

@ZoomerMirek - 17.02.2021 22:22

Love it

@ScaerieTale - 27.02.2021 02:27

THANK YOU!! I've been trying to create automatic flipbooks using Extract Sprites (per a UE4 tutorial I'm following), and it kept creating a flipbook per frame. Using Create Sprite instead solved it. This was driving me crazy 💜

@sirspegy1390 - 03.03.2021 03:29

my asset pack came with a jump and a fall, but I can't figure out how to put in both. I used the "is falling" node to trigger the jump animation, but I don't know how to trigger the fall afterwards. Does anybody know what I have to do? Thanks.

@平沢唯-h8x - 14.03.2021 11:58


@hosamorfali3444 - 27.03.2021 01:44

Would you consider making tutorial on making games similar to octopath traveler? I would seriously pay for it!!

@synthoelectro - 15.05.2021 10:09

Does the way UE4 does 2D work for actual 2D games? Does it feel like it's faking it, somehow? I guess one can get use to it? I suppose you're just on a grid that is 2D, nothing more nothing less right?

@MonkeyBrosWut - 19.06.2021 18:00

how do you get it to go from idle to running?

@СилвиоСтанков - 10.08.2021 16:42

bro do you have an idea how to import 2d characters in ue because i always mess something up

@bersefker3653 - 07.11.2021 17:04

Hi! How can I blend 2d animations in ue4? Is there some kind of 2d skeleton animation?

@themonkeyguy8938 - 24.12.2021 18:27

Why does mine look smoothed out

@AgusBarrero_ - 15.01.2022 19:57

Thanks! Is there some way to make the sprite always face camera?

@MzTypeOHnegative - 21.02.2022 02:21

Do you know how to do ghost trails for paper 2D?

@darkflamestudios - 23.02.2022 10:20

Great video but now I am left with more questions. My skeleton (blob) falls through the platforms my player rides on. So now I need to get the collisions to work somehow. Also, the blueprint instance is playing the hit animation as it falls instead of the walk (idle) animation, even though I see it is set. Thanks though, I do appreciate the help.

@NewMateo - 02.04.2022 22:42

How do you handle character movement with camera? I cant get actor to walk in relation to the camera. I.e. i hold down up and he walks in one direction but when i flip the camera around he still is stuck going in the same direction

@chrisrolph4603 - 21.06.2022 02:06

THis is so clear and easy to understand thank you! Do you know of a way to offset the same instance of flip book? I've got a pidgin flip book and was hoping to randomise them.

@zipxyy - 13.07.2022 17:28

how useless lol

@locorimax - 17.08.2022 15:36

Yes but i have 26 photos for stop mouttion

@Wilkoooo - 22.09.2022 19:29

Hello, great video! Does anyone have any recommendations for the size of sprites? I don’t know whether I am going to do pixel sprites or not yet but is there any recommended sizes? ❤️

@TheHarmonyGrowth - 18.03.2023 05:12

Very cool!

@grailtrails - 31.03.2023 20:18

Can these sprites be panoramic?

@vitaliizavoloka7015 - 25.04.2024 00:18

Great and perfectly short tutorial, thank you!

@walney2008 - 17.01.2025 22:34

Hello, I'm from Brazil, I use a translator, I would like to know today to create a 2D game in Unreal, which version should I have installed? Like fighting games like Mugen, how do I do it? Do you have or can you create tutorials for newbies like me? I don't want to use Unity but Unreal, can you help?

@PackMax-w3h - 21.01.2025 19:21

So ,How can i set Flipbook Idle by hit change to hurt ..And After Hurt Go back to Idle ?
