Xavi Heras Udacity VR Developer Nanodegree Project 4 - Puzzler

Xavi Heras Udacity VR Developer Nanodegree Project 4 - Puzzler

Xavi Heras

55 лет назад

475 Просмотров

Puzzler, my fourth project of Udacity VR Developer Nanodegree. The main focus of this assignment was user tests, driving most of the final decisions.

Puzzler is an adaptation to the popular “Simon” in Virtual Reality. The game challenges players to remember and imitate a sequence in the same order to win.

Read full article here : https://medium.com/@xavier.heras.divison/puzzler-udacity-vr-developer-nanodegree-179ead597b3f

Review: https://review.udacity.com/#!/reviews/717838

Nanodegree: https://www.udacity.com/course/vr-developer-nanodegree--nd017


#vr #nanodegree #udacity #virtual_reality #googlevr #daydream
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