Event Horizon | NintenDOLLAR Games!

Event Horizon | NintenDOLLAR Games!

Nerdout Shelter

4 года назад

511 Просмотров

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@detales91 - 22.06.2020 19:05

The skill tree is ridiculously overwhelming... this looks complicated. 😅
The tractor beam shall be called railgun by a real nerd tho!! 😂😂

@pacer1705 - 23.06.2020 06:02

This is “Space Invaders vs Wing Commander”. Lol.

@midnightshade32 - 17.09.2020 18:06

This game is amazing and for the price it's extreme value for the fun. I love the complicated skill tree. Oh you can individually upgrade and build each ship, add new weapons armor plating, reactors. And if your weight is not balanced you will fly with wobble or bad velocity turn radius. I deck my scout out with dual plasma cannons and blitz in close rapid fire slower ships like a champ.

@midnightshade32 - 17.09.2020 18:08

I hope someone takes this idea and adds on to it. A $10 game like this with more options on planets, diplomacy and star trek style missions would be amazing.
