Симеон Панов - Запис и микс
Сивин Сивов - барабани
Edgar Monreal - бас
Светла Михайлова - вокали
Явор Димов - китари
Петър Димов - китари, вокали, композиции, текст
Милена Димова - Обложка
Simeon Panov - recording engineer
Sivin Sivov - drums
Edgar Monreal - bass
Svetla Mihaylova - vocals
Yavor Dimov - guitars
Petar Dimov - guitars, vocals, music, lyrics
Milena Dimova - Artwork
Be akin to fire or don't bother showing up at all
No one will remember you
Mortal flesh to ash
Simple minds to dust
Be there on the minute
Bring your smile
Be there looking worthy
You want to get the hosts adorement.
They will force you to your knees
They will have your mane, your flesh, your bones
your soul, stripped of
You will get yourself devoured
Fed not-to the royalties
But to the dogs
They will have you on you knees
They will have your mane, your flesh,
your bones, your souls, stripped of
Cave in
You're a warrior in your head alone