SUNFURY IS BACK! Fire and Arcane Gameplay Review in Undermine(d) raid 11.1 PTR - World of Warcraft

SUNFURY IS BACK! Fire and Arcane Gameplay Review in Undermine(d) raid 11.1 PTR - World of Warcraft


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@donzazaa - 07.02.2025 02:13

Aaaaaaaaaaaand it's nerfed...

@soccerawesome1000 - 07.02.2025 02:16

Really thinking about picking up ele this tier

@upinair4990 - 07.02.2025 02:20

Man I love the look of fire but am absolutely trash with it

@christmasham4312 - 07.02.2025 02:20

i switch to BM for season 2 hope i don't regret it

@Гошка-м4б - 07.02.2025 02:31

I just decided to shift from mage, cuz I gave up on most interesting spec for me, arcane. And now they do something I’m happy, but not so much 😅

@rafaellisiecki - 07.02.2025 03:04

Hello and thank you. I wonder if you could share all your UI and weakaura for mage. pls

@sGrundo1 - 07.02.2025 03:22

They should definitely rework SS it's really frustrating to play when your output mostly depends on procs rather than how well you execute your rotation

@jademers88 - 07.02.2025 03:23

Spriest over-performing? Lol that is shocking

@exhaustedua6659 - 07.02.2025 04:09

I’m playing wow for 18 years for now. I’ve played every single class and spec in the game and I hopped back and forth from class to class, being mad all the time because I was wanted to stick with one class for many seasons… Except of mage. I don’t know how that happened and why, but I’ve never gravitated towards even giving mage a try in past 17 years. Until very end of Dragonflight season 2, when I had nothing else interesting to do in the game and I had every single class geared full mythic track. Except of mage… Well, as I had nothing else to do I decided to level mage for the first time. I only had time to get basic gear for my mage before DF S3 came out. So I hopped back onto other characters that I was going to gear first for my mythic raid and keys, but as season went through I suddenly found myself logging in onto my mage more and more, and other characters less and less. DF S4 I ended with only 2 classes geared. Mage and DK. TWW S1 - mage is the only class I’m playing ever. I do not want to even log onto other classes at all. Mage is so genius of a class… When you talk about this and that being bad and annoying about mage I’m so confused and every time I wonder… Wait, does this class can be any better? I’m so excited about long time mage players being happy about the changes because this probably means that absolute genius of a class will get even better. In so many years it was only one class I’ve never played and exactly this class turned out to be soooo fun to play for me. IDK why I typed this BTW, just had random passion to do so 😅

@DankHobbs - 07.02.2025 04:27

The last time we said we loved the gameplay (Sunfury Arcane), blizzard had the big brain idea to gut double dipping and proceeded to fuck everything up.

@FerLuque1696 - 07.02.2025 04:28

SF is so fun, please let it be op

@chr1sssss88 - 07.02.2025 04:30

Mr. Preheat, can you make a new vid for Dev Evoker pls!! I need an updated insight on Devastation :(

@h-e-a-t_3053 - 07.02.2025 05:19

aslong as fire sunfury is pretty good is enough for me to resub

@MaFenetreDeChambre - 07.02.2025 05:28

If i want to Play sunfury on Mm+ should i Play haste/versa or haste/mastery? Thank you

@mikejohnson9960 - 07.02.2025 10:09

Thank the lord. Spellslinger Arcane was obnoxious in group content. Sunfury mobility rotation is clutch in M+

@finiteresident2294 - 07.02.2025 13:20

too late already quit the game. getting too old for the over-convoluted rotations. Would probably have arthritis by the time the xp is over. I did enjoy sunfury arcane after not playing arcane at all since the end of WOD. but unfortunately the funner, more synergetic specs they like to nerf into the ground forcing you to play the broken specs with wonky rotations. If i wanted to concern myself with a bunch of if and when factors I would have become a programmer.

@Waevform - 07.02.2025 13:27

I’m thinking about maining mage for once just because I’m interested in all 3 specs. Either that or I stick with my Ele Sham

@nikoskavvadias2366 - 07.02.2025 15:14

I'm literally a mage fanboy, I always first pick wizard/mage classes in any game i play. So I've always played mage. Recently my guild stopped raiding, but as long as we were raiding I felt like I'm missing something in my rotations, my damage was always lacking. I've tried all specs and by far my worse is fire. So, since I'm feeling frustrated I'm going to give the fel mage a chance while trying to keep up both mage and wl up to mythic standards. I just hope i don't have to play affli warlock instead of destro.

@koxyvideos - 07.02.2025 15:41

evocation and SP should pause intuition duration cuz it feels horrid that it can proc from each channeling start and by the time its done you lost the buff

@giuseppesalvan1851 - 07.02.2025 15:57

Personally I’m real exited for Frostfire Frost Mage, wanna see how the chances are going to impact the hero talent.
On a side note, happy to hear “positive” review (overall) of the class going foreward into 11.1!

@claudiocosta6348 - 07.02.2025 16:16

I'm glad blizzard hasn't stopped looking for a solution to the void left by the double dipping for Arcane, I'm excited for Sunfury Arcane and those Arcane Soul windows! Hope we don't end up ignoring clearcasting procs like we did for a while with Fingers of Frost, It's not very fun to be swimming in resources that you can't spend.

@bbeas89 - 07.02.2025 16:34

Holy shit is that Tom Selleck? Where did Preheat go?

@loopaking - 07.02.2025 16:59

After watching the PTR vids and knowing Blizz loves fire, I got one to 630 just in case for S2. It's cool to see arcane is looking better. Would be nice to play arcane again.

@JS-skankhunt42 - 07.02.2025 17:23

Sunfury is the most fun gameplay arcane and fire. So I’m very happy

@Luxumbra69 - 07.02.2025 18:07

Looking forward to a SF fire M+ guide. It was so fun in 11.0

@wwommy - 07.02.2025 22:05

cool video but cant help to notice.. is your camera background GOONSHIRE INN??

@Iceburg2355 - 08.02.2025 00:09

fire is back? lets give it 2 weeks

@Meleageria - 08.02.2025 00:23

'Arcane is constantly changing.' is the saddest sentence to me in this. I am not giving up on it, I love the role behind it but the thing is Blizzard is struggling with finding a clear gameplay for it.

@Iceburg2355 - 08.02.2025 04:43

isnt intuition going away in 11.1?

@vaguebeing1475 - 08.02.2025 06:54

Glad to hear some positivity about Arcane, there has been so much dooming around the spec as of late.

@coreycrowder5270 - 09.02.2025 04:22

What is the addon your using to see your cast time in the mid of screen?

@gund2281 - 11.02.2025 23:43

Ok, I hate to ask a stupid question but, what are you using to get your rotation, cast bars and whatever else is in the middle of your screen there to look so clean and readable? I have problems keeping track of everything because my sh*t is just all over the place.

@jayryan1956 - 12.02.2025 08:43

was fire mage nerfed? i cant see any nerfs unless it was frostfire? keep seeing people say mage is nerfed again

@F1ipsydez - 12.02.2025 14:23

Where the talent builds at = (

@hotwings18 - 13.02.2025 06:17

YOu will be forever remebered as the wow kamala guy.

@DavidHernandez-yb5pz - 14.02.2025 01:01

Fire mage was peak in Shadowlands. It just gets more and more complicated for no reason.

@xifusex - 16.02.2025 19:01

please no more arcane ever again

@Odium16 - 17.02.2025 00:48

did i just hear sunkings blessing is gone? 😏

@ristuksenvittu - 17.02.2025 02:28

6 to 3 seconds should not make a big difference assuming you dont have 0% haste. I may give sunfury a try, really liked it at the start of the expansion but it got nerfed into shit.

@Xiuhtec - 17.02.2025 12:10

As if to confirm frostfire fire is dead they removed the empowered bolt from SKB combustions, which just feels terrible. Back to Sunfury for sure.

@MehrdadDiveToDieValizadeh - 17.02.2025 23:50

When we get a new video for Evoker? :(

@MehrdadDiveToDieValizadeh - 17.02.2025 23:51

When we get a new video for Evoker? :(

@kairaenthemage - 20.02.2025 02:56

started sf arcane then played ss frost in the season 1, looks like I will too go back to sf fire in s2 !

@AikanaroSauron - 24.02.2025 05:32

Haven't played WoW for 15 years, and just had a sudden nostalgia spike for my Blood Elf fire mage. This looks pretty fun, might pay a month to try this out.
And the fact that they added Sunfury-themed fire spells is damn cool, I always liked Kael'thas and I think they did him really dirty in TBC.

@david05GD - 25.02.2025 15:01

I will miss Frostfire fire mage so much, It was so satisfying to play

@fiarusgaming3420 - 03.03.2025 20:22

I just found you, but you play mage and evoker which are my mains, so you've earned a subscribe :D

@ramistotle - 03.03.2025 20:53

Would be awesome if you made the same guide for Arcane mage.

@sadude88 - 09.03.2025 03:32

Nice vid snowflake

@D2Mephisto - 12.03.2025 17:53

we're a week+ into 11.1 and sunfury arcane feels so weak compared to every other ranged spec =/ the gameplay is wonderful, I love intuition, but the TUNING is @ss lol. arcane needs a 7-8% aura buff for all damage at this point~

@Preheat - 07.02.2025 01:38

Obviously how Im guessing to play may not end up being the playstyle in the end. We may end up holding Glorious Incandescence for intuition or other buffs (or something cringe like that) but so far its feeling good.

Flameshaper Devastation Guide is next! Then Sunfury Fire guide for 11.1. Let me know what you want to see next!
