His hat is like Captain Americas shield:D
Ответить+Star Wars Explained Ailyn vel please
ОтветитьNow I may have this wrong but that episode where they protected the farmers seemed to throw a really nice nod to the plot of The Seven Samurai.
ОтветитьLove the vids
could you do Agen Kolar
Thank you so much!!! I've wanted you to do this video for so long!!!
ОтветитьYou should do a video on Riff Tamson and Ima Gun Di.
ОтветитьEmbo, Cad Bane and Bossk my 3 favorites.
ОтветитьSabine knows Embo because of her paintings?
ОтветитьI loved Embo in the Clone Wars! He was one of my favorite Bounty Hounters in the series, and he was a total badass! I liked that he appeared in the series more than one time, though I wish there had been a bit more story to him, ya know? But hey, I'm satisfied either way! :D
ОтветитьUnlike Cad, he somehow gets away and was never imprisoned? I wonder what his lifespan is or if he is still around after Return of the Jedi?
ОтветитьI've been waiting for this! Thank you!!!!
ОтветитьI wanna see a fight between Cad Bane and Embo in Rebels. Cad would win cause he's more popular and TV shows don't kill popular characters lol but Embo would win in real life.
Ответитьhe reminds me of the guy who got killed by kylo ren in rey's force vision
ОтветитьCan you make a Video About clone captain Wolfs scare
ОтветитьEMBO IS A BADA**
ОтветитьThis guy and Cad Bane were the most badass bounty hunters of TCW. I hope they appear in the boba fett movie.
Ответитьdid he die
ОтветитьWe need an Cad Bane/Embo spin-off movie
ОтветитьEmbo and cad bane are my favorite bounty hunters
ОтветитьI like him somehow
ОтветитьHe was at Jakku "Star Wars Minute" :p
ОтветитьHes alive guys he just made his latest appearence in the novel aftermath empires end
ОтветитьI think giant hats have a lot to do with being a badass. cough cad bane cough
ОтветитьBest Bounty Hunter
ОтветитьDo a SW explained on Marlo (Hutt council)
ОтветитьPlease do a video on surving clones during new hope or return of the jedi
ОтветитьImagine him in live action.
What’s that? They’re making a Boba Fett movie?
Lucasfilm, you will regret it severely if Embo isn’t in this...
"great he was"
Ответитьdon’t forget him and dengar were on jaku
ОтветитьI'm just confused why the rest of the Kyuzo species in Canon look nothing like Embo. Why's that?
ОтветитьMy order of favorite Bounty Hunters goes Cad Bane, Embo, Durge, and then literally everyone else. Both Clone Wars shows had better Bounty Hunter action than what we saw in any of the movies. Well, Jango's fight was pretty neat, but we all knew that was a stand in for Boba since he wasn't old enough to fit the armor yet.
Ответитьupdate plz
ОтветитьHe is awesome
It’s a fact
I hate this guy to much just because he killed Teckla Minnau.
ОтветитьIn the end he went on to spend the rest of his life as a farmer on Felucia.
Ответитьthe fact that Embo has a pet Anooba is super badass . cause Anoobas can kill Jedi
ОтветитьThe real question is... how did he die???
ОтветитьHere what I want the mandolorian and embo in the next episode
ОтветитьCad Bane is best bounty hunter
But Embo is second best
Favorite character of all time
ОтветитьMaterial of the hat:
ОтветитьThis is what filoni actually looks like
ОтветитьBest bounty hunter in the clone wars 4 sure.
ОтветитьEmbo is the only bounty hunter I would consider a real neutral. Hell just as happily do a job working with the Republic as he wound working against them
ОтветитьThat hat shield.
Ответитьi made a new embo edit!
ОтветитьMandalorian and Grogu???
ОтветитьDin vs Embo and Grogue vs Marrok for the film.
ОтветитьWho else Back in 2025