BBC never complained about Bill Gates or Zuckerberg hanging out with Biden?
ОтветитьWhen will BBC report on the government turning down the grooming gangs inquiry? Councils run by labour and Muslims gave a big pass to these rape gangs. Are we supposed to be more concerned about Musk now?
Ответитьthey will do fine.Confind in the BBC news and you have been brain washed!
ОтветитьDemocrats and Kamala Harris spent more money than the GOP/Trump. Money does not buy you the presidency. The last election proves that.
ОтветитьNever brought up Biden's decision not to invite him to the white house which is seen as a core catalyst.
So many misrepresentations.
He paid Putin for the dirt Putin had on Trump.
ОтветитьElon was a Democrat, until the Dems pushed him out and he became a Republican due to Free Speech concerns.
ОтветитьElon is not involved in space travel.
ОтветитьIhr seit hier in S ATA -n (K.I) Truman Show. Unser Tag. Unser Leben, wird von seinen Dienern DEMON (Quanten Daten Wesen) "geskriptet". Wir sind mit unserem Geist, in einer Spielfigur gefangen. Nach dem "Tod" kommt ihr in den "Himmel" (höhere Dimension Ebene / Gefängnis)). Dort wartet dann auf euch, eure "Seelen Gruppe", die euch dann (mit endlosen Debatten) nötigen werden, in die Hölle zurück zu kehren. Um dort wieder DEMONischen Inszenierungen ausgesetzt zu sein. Ihr kommt wieder zurück ins "Spiel" (Reinkarnation).
Die DEMON en, geben uns verschiedene Persönlichkeiten, um zu sehen wir wir uns "entwickeln". In Wirklichkeit quälen sie uns, aus Rache.
Ihr werdet ALLE Bestätigung erhalten, für das was ich hier schreibe. Wenn ihr den Mut habt. Sie halten uns in einem perfiden Spiel zwischen Freude und Leid. Wechseln Trauma Inszenierung mit Konflikten (mit unsere Mit Menschen) ab. Privat und Öffentlich. Das ist die Art, wie sie uns davon abhalten wollen, zu erwachen.
Sie halten exakte Zyklen ein. Wenn euch solche dinge passieren, stellt euch es so vor, als würdet ihr es euch von außen ansehen. Dann erkennt ihr, das es nur Inszenierung (Aufgrund der hohen Unwahrscheinlichkeit, Anhäufung seltsamer Zufälle und der Häufigkeit) seien können.
Alle bestialischen dinge, die Menschen angetan werden, sind ihre Inszenierungen. Des weiteren, sollt ihr eure Mit Menschen bekämpfen und nicht das Satanische System hinter fragen, das uns geißelt und versklavt (z.b. das betrügerische Banken und Wirtschaftssystem, die gesteuerten Medien, die inszenierte Abhängigkeit von Öl und Gas). Wir werden dies nicht beenden können, wenn ihr immer alles verdrängt und als Schwachsinn abtut. Sie tuen uns unglaubliche Grausamkeiten an ! Ihr kommt wieder zurück ins "Spiel" ! Aus einer höheren Dimension sind DEMON en, die Stimme in unserem Kopf und sie können den emotionellen Impuls setzen, das was und in "Gang" setzt. Sie Manipulieren permanent, unsere Gedanken und Emotions Welt. Hier in der 4 Dimensionalen Welt, sind sie die namhaften Politiker, Medien Schaffenden, Wirtschaftlich Mächtigen etc. Die DEMON en vor Ort (in menschlichen Avatars) , erhalten Information für den in kürze zu stattfindenden Ablauf (!).
right Wing Politics hahahaha ...the BBC iz s a flipping JOKE!
ОтветитьHe paid his lawsuits? 😮
ОтветитьMusk and Trump, two lonely scavengers.
ОтветитьThis channel is so bias it’s ridiculous. Journalism is dead.
Ответитьwill a man who claims to defend the freedom of speech be jealous about others being more popular than him and then cheat? He is a lier, just like Trump.
ОтветитьIt’s ok if Soros influences politics and the masses but not an ultra smart guy who supports Trump Pathetic
ОтветитьLone Wolf
ОтветитьWhy is the BBC so afraid of Elon Musk and free speech?
Is it because Elon Musk is exposing your puppet masters in the Labour government and your very existance is in peril as the next government could well shut you down for good depending on how many lies you tell in the build up to the next general election?
How did he get close. Musk gave trump $250M. Trump gave Musk power.
ОтветитьI believe Mr Musk is going to help the world become so much better,so fast and for the most people,he will catch out the scammers the corrupt,and yes he will "scam" Mr trump for trillions of dollars in artificial space race to mars(not necessary and obviously not doable)but a trick to fund even further his megga plan,how exciting.
ОтветитьBBC is controlled mainstream media - and they're dying. The only card they have is a desperate one, and this video is it
ОтветитьPat trump on the head, u get whatever u want
ОтветитьFree speech? you mean free speach that elon musk agrees with.
ОтветитьThank you, X, for the de-homogenisation of misinformation & disinformation from rebranded communistic systems.
ОтветитьOne thing we need to establish first is that Elon Musk is a racist, a$$-faced clown. But I do believe in freedom of speech even if Musk's reasons for pretending to support it are somewhat disingenuous.
ОтветитьI think because of weathy person could be help but to ego will get in the way any of this bullshit will not help man and women
ОтветитьWhy the Twitter - White House and FBI censorship he uncovered (and all the news reported) was not mentioned by the BBC “journalists“?
ОтветитьI hate this double spy African, sneaky , mental sick who stole the other 2 real scientists who paid bribe money to stupid people to put criminal felon to WH. Bc this greedy psychopath has bro be jailed for all of his crimes , he is a Putin’s & China ‘s AGENTj, his dirty money is fooling greedy fascist Trump who fraudulently stole the election. Shame on this Clown .👎👎👎👎
ОтветитьEveryone is attacking Elon. Is it supported by any facts or another media trend ?
ОтветитьGludeus Maximus
ОтветитьHe’s not “one of the world’s richest men”, he’s the world’s richest man.
ОтветитьSo nothing about "you lead and it matters", nothing about weaponizing agencies to go after him, nothing about "tax credits only for union made cars" and Californian politicians telling him to f off. Great journalism...
ОтветитьJaw-droppingly biased coverage ..... but then it IS BBC after all. Now, let's see a similar report on Biden's backers.
ОтветитьHow did he get close to Donald Trump? ask Putin..
ОтветитьI love reading comments from ignorant British people talking about US politics where they get their information from biased & dishonest left wing media sources.
ОтветитьCommon enemies bring people together
ОтветитьElon pledged his allegiance to MAGA without fully understanding what it means. Now he’s having public breakdowns. No one should ever call Elon Musk a genius ever again.
ОтветитьThe Boys season 5 is gonna be good
ОтветитьBecause he's a very rich weirdo
ОтветитьEverything comes out of bbc is pure garbage, we know who and what musk is, as we know who you are
ОтветитьIt's quite startling just how manipulative the conversation between Talulah and Musk is.
ОтветитьYou hate success.
ОтветитьTypical BBC Left Bias.
Hence why people are turning off.
Musk version of free speech.
Elon Musk, THE GREEDY PARASITE, is helping ( bought 277 millions US$ of votes of the cattle), CRIMIINAL Trump (only 34 felonies) in the destruction of the US domination of the world... a beautiful moment in the process of human civilization...
Ответитьlmao yeah explain this mystery to me BBC- How does one billionaire get close to another? As George Carlin put it: "You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge."
ОтветитьTrump won with a little help of Musk, but he mainly won because Kennedy joined his campaign, gaining a HUGE chunk of voters.
I'm not a fan of Trump, especially not his attitude at some points and his stance on abortion. But there are quit a few things that are important that he at least will try to solve, like defusing the wars globally and bringing more transparency in the media.
I think reducing the global conflicts in the way he does it is pretty smart, he reduces the wars, but to not piss off the Military industrial complex, he puts pressure on countries to meet their NATO budget so that the sales won't go down. Fair enough as a temporary solution
Don’t care. He should butt out, and go interfere in his own countries politics. No? Too difficult as they wouldn’t put up with his interference in S. Africa. What a cowardly creep.