Yonex Racket Lineup Overview ft. Ezone, Vcore, Percept | Rackets & Runners

Yonex Racket Lineup Overview ft. Ezone, Vcore, Percept | Rackets & Runners

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@OfficialSh4d3s - 23.02.2025 21:28

Ezone 98, VCORE 100, or VCORE 98. Coming from a pure aero 100 but I can generate my own spin without the help of the racket. I demoed the ezone 98 only and I loved it. I didn’t try the other 2 though.

@jasonblack124 - 22.02.2025 19:55

Vcore 95,head speed pro, or head gravity pro. Which one should i buy? Singles 4.5

@tommyskifall - 21.02.2025 20:39

Ez98 or 305s for a 4.0 player?

@markhibbitt1269 - 15.02.2025 19:14

Loving my Vcore 98. Plenty of spin and control. I find it easier to control the power than the Ezone 98 which is easy to hit long with at times.

@byul755 - 03.02.2025 19:29

He's hot!

@dylantorquerol - 02.02.2025 03:23


@tjr96 - 01.01.2025 15:47

Just found your channel. Really enjoying the honest takes you give. Keep it up

@johnnacke4134 - 22.12.2024 22:50

Luka, What Yonex would you recommend for a 4.0 senior singles player with: OHB, SW forehand, some spin, mostly flat with slice, lots of touch, need some help with pop, compact swing, moderate head speed. ( Vcores 100/98; Ezones 2025 98/100) Thanks, and Happy Holidays, Best, John

@ronromasanta2349 - 22.12.2024 15:08

Which would you say is their most arm friendly line? I have an EZONE 100 and it aggravated my existing tennis elbow so I switched to a Wilson Clash to give my arm a break. I want to return to Yonex, which one would you recommend?

@Scharbantli - 14.12.2024 01:31

Thanks a lot for the Review. Really enjoying your Videos since I discovered them a few weeks Abo. May I ask you a question?
I trief the Blade 98 and 100. I liked the 98 but I feel like it‘s to heavy for me over multiple sets. I‘m a higher intermediate but Not advanced counter punching player. Would it make sense to have a look at lighter control rackets like the percept 97l or the technifibre tf40 90?

@rapidfirerob4 - 13.12.2024 01:56

I love my Percept 97. I've been playing with the demo from the tennis shop all year as Yonex never got around to making a 5/8 grip, which I like. I finally gave up and am using a 1/2, which I can live with. I may go with an over grip at some point, or not. I found the Ezone 98 too hard on my arm.

@Brandon_Montgomery - 11.12.2024 04:05

Have you ever used a Regna? Curious on your thoughts.

@jaskiratsinghpanesar1902 - 04.12.2024 18:13

Can we handle the inconsistent launch of vcore 100 with a change in string setup?

Great channel.... Just subscribed

@sportscastercanada - 01.12.2024 07:49

Black Friday & Cyber Monday: No Yonex deals! 😂 Is this a supply and demand issue or the profit margins are smaller with Yonex? Have to wait till January for the outgoing generations to go on sale!

@ajollypanda4175 - 27.11.2024 08:59

Ii just ordered some demos and was frustrated i couldn’t find the vcore pro, so when you described it basically evolved to the percept everything made sense!

@matiasrivas5567 - 25.11.2024 15:32

Hey Luca, amazing stuff!! Have you tried the Ezone 100L? Are L versions like this the same quality as the 300s? Because in the case of the blade 100L is a whole different racket (its 69rdc stiff!!!) Thanks!!!

@jccastle - 24.11.2024 05:39

Puredrive 98 or the Ezone 98?

@yedez - 23.11.2024 17:41

Hi Lucas, I love your videos, I started playing tennis and I have seen many of your videos where you review the rackets, I would like some guidance or recommendation. I want to buy my first racket and I have seen some that catch my attention, of which you have some videos such as the Head Extreme Team 2022, Head Gravity MP 2023, Head Radical MP 2023, Yonex EZONE 100SL, HEAD SPEED MP 2022 and 2023. Could you recommend some of these for a beginner?

@matiasrivas5567 - 21.11.2024 17:45

Hi Luca!. Quick question. Blade 100v9 or Ezone 100? I keep hearing they both play fairly similar. Im an improving beginner, torn between those two. Which should I get? Thanks!

@thearabiangentlemen7637 - 21.11.2024 15:56

Yonex ezone 98 or head extreme mp or Babolat pure strike 18×20 I'm using Babolat aero drive 300 g 16*19 100 inch

@fretstain - 20.11.2024 08:24

I tried switching to the vcore 98 from the 95 and just couldn't trust it the way I trust the 95. Love that thing.

@MiracleAgeGKS - 19.11.2024 22:39

TBH Percept are the worst frames that I have ever played. I did try 97, 97D, 97H, 100 and 100D and none were playabe to me. Maybe 100 is quite OK but still so far away from being close my new racquet of choice.

@danilozucchini6292 - 19.11.2024 15:29

Good video Luca. Have you ever try the Ezone 98+ ? Is it similar to the new Head Gravity MP XL?

@zickosaurusrex - 18.11.2024 23:44

I remember your one handed backhand racket list, and I can see why you place the percept so high on that list lol.

@EdmonBegoli - 18.11.2024 05:37

@RacketsRunnersVancouver (Luka) — another fun video. Question: where do you stand now on EZONE 98 vs. SPEED MP?

@ElPapitoPapi - 18.11.2024 02:00

I was using blade 98 but then i got reached out by the yonex team in my country, so i tested out every racket, but i fell in love instantly with the percept 97D it fits so good with my playstyle and gives me a huge boost on my confidence to absolutely rip the ball, percept with polytour pro is just chefs kiss

@Turbulencemode - 17.11.2024 22:15

Hey Luca, I’ve been using the Vcore 98 for about a year and so far my favourite string has been Poly Tour Spin only downside is i feel it’s a bit too wild and doesn’t help with the already muted Vcore… do you have any string recommendations looking primarily at spin and "crispness"? I’ve read a lot of good about solinco confidential if you have any thing to say about that…
Thanks 🎾

@jabirout - 17.11.2024 16:27

Hey Luca,
You should try the vcp 97 2019, the green one, first with vdm.
One of my all time favorite. Vdm = amazing feel on this one.

With the HD model 2019 and vcore 95 2018, these are gems!

@christoscholevas - 17.11.2024 14:54

For years i played with Wilson, then Prince and Head.
Almost 2,5 years before i tried the Ezone DR100 and never looked back. For me it has it all: power, control, touch, feel, spin and no discomfort at all despite the high stiffness.
Another factor about this brand it's the quality control, which , from my experience, is a lot better than its competitors.. I usually strung it with a poly string 1.25 gauge at 22 kg (48-49 lbs)

@bigrobsydney - 17.11.2024 07:17

Luca, get the Regna 98. It will change your life. Also, your 1hbh needs a lot of work. Sorry.

@nicolasX2602 - 17.11.2024 04:39

I switched from vcore 98 2023 to ezone 98 2024. Loved polytour pro and tourna big hitter that is almost like alu. Should i try hyper g or not?

@AAAATENNIS - 17.11.2024 01:19

I noticed you use your apple watch to record videos.
How do you deal with the crown rotation, which zooms the video in/out?
I constantly trigger the crown rotation accidentally when I shoot with apple watch.

@SSJBen - 16.11.2024 17:53

I wish you'd talk about the increasing number of premature crack on the throats of the Yonex Percepts in the last several months. Yes, Yonex is still the industry leader in quality control but the increase in this possible manufacturing defect (maybe to a certain batch) is alarming as Yonex has not said anything official about it.

@SANTIAGOVENERI-s3h - 16.11.2024 16:22

Im in between the babolat strike 100 16x20 and percept 100 D i thought finaly luka would help me with the 100d review. They are both very similar but i think constant beam wins

@OldManMidnight - 16.11.2024 15:34

Interested in seeing what Servo Filter does to an Ezone

@slai.. - 16.11.2024 15:31

I have tried various versions of Ezones, Vcores and Percepts in a Yonex dedicated shop with some ball launching machines for some 2 hours. My favourite is Percept 100D.

@SuneLianes - 16.11.2024 14:13

What strings would you guys recommend for a Vcore 98?

@MrFrescocotone - 16.11.2024 13:04

Your fh is excellent, however your 1hbh is full of flaws. Gotta rebuild the shot completely

@MithTang - 16.11.2024 12:06

Solid content, clear description as always!
I only complain about the bit-of-too-muted feel at times.
VC and EZ are so unique but at the same time strong and kind of "balanced" over all.
VC98 is my racket of choice now, and Yonex has been my fav. racket brand this year.

@johnnylee8337 - 16.11.2024 09:37

Yonex should get rid of VDM and the muted feelings in their racquets. I wished that the VCore 95 had a slightly higher stiffness and better feel. Similar to the blue and orange VCore Pro 97 from 2018 but with more spin.

@harshkeshri3606 - 16.11.2024 07:18

As your viewers we all want you to try Percept 100D. Please try and review.

@brianlin4044 - 16.11.2024 06:42

I've been trying to decide between the Yonex Percept 97 and the Blade Pro 98 (16m) for the last couple months. Very hard decision so far..

@NickNeras - 16.11.2024 05:08

Have year of try:
Head Boom PRO
Wilson Shift 99
Yonex VCor 98
And after lots of test winner in my tennis bag became Yonex Vcor 98 👌👌👌

@murilo3123 - 16.11.2024 04:12

I have tried Percept 100 and 97, and I liked 100 more. More easy spin and power with good control. Ezone 98 is great, but the muted feel is bad. Vcore i have never tried

@muchensun2730 - 16.11.2024 03:10

Hey Luca, great video as usual! Do you have any information on when the new Ezone will come out? And should it affect my decision for buying the current Ezone in near term? Thank you!

@blkbamboo1 - 16.11.2024 02:36

This is slightly different, but what's the brand for that jacket you're wearing?

@stefanopirletti3561 - 16.11.2024 02:08

I came back to playing tennis last year and I got a Blade 98, but when I saw a percept 97 I was intrigued as hell, I bought it and I love it with all myself. I also own an ezone 98 when I want to play a bit different and I love both of them so much

@nicks8060 - 16.11.2024 00:44

Love my vcore 95 so much!! I got it last spring and it still surprises me. It’s got all the spin I need, which is crazy in a 95, and there’s many rackets that I feel don’t give me enough. It’s got solid directional control and lots of power when flattened out. It’s plenty stable to me, although I know some people that wish it was more stable. But lastly, mixture of power, spin, and maneuverability is so perfect for my 1HBH. I haven’t found anything better!

@danielm.m.7654 - 16.11.2024 00:39

Vdm is such a crap
