4 Reasons Highly Intelligent People Tend To Be Depressed

4 Reasons Highly Intelligent People Tend To Be Depressed


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@AihunLyngskpr - 04.10.2024 16:54

Not +130 but atleast 113 IQ

@MrPants-qq2jr - 04.10.2024 20:57

Blah blah.. intellectuals are usually more inactive physically leading to their depression I bet. Im no intellectual but I was seriously depressed and I lifted some weights like a beast for about one hour and it burned up all that depression forever. It was just chemistry for me

@WolfieSixteen - 06.10.2024 05:28

This is honestly true like I’ve had all of this happen especially overthinking and thinking how ocuard you are

@unluckyblackcat - 12.10.2024 15:35

4 is the main one

@ysf-d9i - 14.10.2024 09:58

I have all of these 😢

@Haileyisbored. - 14.10.2024 21:56

I’m not intellectually gifted, or anything. But I just wanted to see what this was talking about since I have a gifted friend.

@Lord_of_ChaoSan - 18.10.2024 02:13

They say my IQ is about 140 and well, I have trouble functioning- it's as much a curse as a blessing. It's just different, not necessarily better- just try to enjoy your show, there's no better one out there.

@norrisbethke7770 - 18.10.2024 10:46

95% true…good to see feelings put into words 👏

@lildiq1171 - 27.10.2024 05:31

I relate to all 4 reasons, and now im having an existential crisis on if people treated me bad because, I was stupid or much smarter than everyone around me. thinking im unintelligent is much more calming as a reason than thinking I'm smarter than others. Ignorant and confident or normal and confined. You choose I'm indecisive.

@michaelhanrahanmoore1622 - 27.10.2024 16:16

I have awful depressions. My IQ is average and I'm not well educated but I do have insights and I am an intuitive thinker. Family and friends usually tell me I'm very bright. I am a thinker. I overthink though and over analyse. Yet I have interests in many things from the arts to the sciences. I also continuously question everything and I'm a natural rebel. I'm a perfectionist. I am very critical of myself. I'm not easily impressed. I also feel tremendous compassion for others . I am a very emotional person. I do not consider myself so intelligent despite my intuitive thinking, but then that says little as I rate highly the intelligence of very few people including even historical big achievers. The only thing I'm certain of is I have many psychological issues , depression being one of them

@ParadoxISPower - 12.11.2024 22:23

Being smarter is much much harder, remember ignorance is bliss... Those with "anxiety" or "depression" are not that smart, real intelligence knows these Disorders are fabricated to sell drugs, and justify the existence of psychology which is as much "science" as astrology... One's intelligence is not limited and will grow as we develop it, most stop at the average as the further from average you grow, the more you are hated, feared and shunned by the average "Society" as it is said those who see through the lies of society are never accepted by it, and society is nothing but lies.

@StvrLight-q7x - 13.11.2024 04:40

I have felt this way since the 5th grade, always 4.0 but never happy. Everyone says, “well your so smart, and your parent don’t every ground you for grades like mine do” Well maybe I don’t deal with that, but my enternal anxiety, and slight depression affects me too. And you talk about it all the time, I have told none, none has helped me or comforted me. So yeah maybe I am smart but, I’m not super happy.

@IllusionaryUsername - 23.11.2024 12:32

I'm highly intelligent... APPARENTLY. Though, I seriously doubt it. Severe overthinker, crippling, chronic depression. Mathematically dumb as rocks. I once fell in love with an intellectual and an intellectual fell in love with me which doesn't make any sense because I'm not one.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 24.11.2024 13:59

Ive had incidents like with jesse waters on fox news where he rhought he outsmarted a o c and wasnt aware enough to realize she outsmarted him. Where thats frustrating people wont listen to you. I get snubbed. Jesse waters skammed icasio because someone asked her about job creation. With trump. Ocasio replied thats not good. Everyone working 2 jobs. Waters looked at it like ocasio musunderstood the question. Trump did good because theres 2 jobs available. Where what ocasio was saying the standard of living was still too low. Where we dont have our sovereignty. Like we did in the 60s. Try to explain that to waters. His condescending attitude makes me red hot.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 24.11.2024 14:09

Where ill get frustrated with fox news theyll miss things. Like that new york real estate prosecution against him. They think its all partisan political. Where its really corruption and those involved dont want it stopped. Which affects both parties. They went after sanders wife. That same basic force. They parallel each other. So trump has a claim for malicious prosecution. And they dont bring that out. Theres no blue book price on real estate. Its like a painting. Its all random. Fox misses that.

@m.abulkhasimabul7772 - 26.11.2024 21:00

Oo that's why I loose my many friends , know I got that point

@danikadua247 - 30.11.2024 20:43

thank you for the vid very helpful

@meouws - 01.12.2024 22:33

Wow so many „high iq people“ in the comments although I still don’t experience anyone irl being that way…

Please don’t self diagnose 🫣

@Daniel-uk6yr - 02.12.2024 20:50

Heyhey, why didnt you mention mensa and aspergers? Now, that would have been interesting

@Tiny_649 - 04.12.2024 16:54

I find it difficult to connect with most people as I can't help but find most of their conversations boring and most of their problems easily avoidable.

I also found that most people have more trouble adapting to or finding solutions to certain hinderences in life, which in conflict usually means I have to make the changes for things to work.
I do have a lot of empathy and understanding for their issues, so I don't want to force anyone to do more than they can. But I do find myself frequently disappointed or hurt when someone doesn't/can't put in the same amount of effort or if they don't understand me.

@emk4y96 - 11.12.2024 20:12

Well i got an average IQ and all the problems on top…wow now i feel special🙃

@robertpolnicky7702 - 12.12.2024 09:18

Whoever writes this is awfully smart and awfully spot on

@robertpolnicky7702 - 12.12.2024 09:21

If you study stanley kubricks writings commentary in gerome agels the making of kubricks 2001. It corroborates everything psych to go said here.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 12.12.2024 09:23

Gerome i mean jerome.

@asillygoofyball - 16.12.2024 02:47

The combo meal of depression with a side of anxiety and some ADHD/OCD to wash it all down

@hendrx - 18.12.2024 11:33

I love everyone in the comments is high IQ all of a sudden

@robertpolnicky7702 - 19.12.2024 03:07

I can see a connection. Stanley kubrick talked about an awesome awareness of mortality.when he was talking about his fear of flying. I think he even stated thats probaly a cause ofmental illness in the world. I think smart people are more aware of their brains and hw they can function against them. Take the insecurity you get when you make a mistake. Then you make another mistake. Your own brain is programmed fir adversary to yourself. All of the mechanisms like anxiety attacks are more in the face of smarter people.

@monkebones8091 - 19.12.2024 15:08

I do not fear failure, I fear that I succeed in something that does not matter.

@david-xg4hb - 23.12.2024 01:27

Forgetting that this video is here because I manifested it due to victim mentality

@CornerCastCrew - 25.12.2024 07:35

Anyone else notice they misspelled depression? They spelled it deppression.

@chrissoltanikhah9063 - 27.12.2024 08:55

I’ve tried to be more mute in life now because I felt too many times that I was speaking a foreign language to people. Then I realized that it was because I was more intelligent. And that will make anyone feel very alone.

@rosyidsyahruromadhonalimin8008 - 29.12.2024 10:44

philosophy sucks
just sucks the fun out of everything, and i can't stop doing philosophy
thanks anyway, this reminded me i don't have to always succeed
i know its 1 year late but i always appreciate these vids.

keeps me in line yknow ?
from ending everything

@vinegro4579 - 29.12.2024 12:01


@MrZubin007 - 03.01.2025 15:08

I too have all of these issues i and the saddest truth is i don't any friends and neither my parents because i have been misunderstood by the society.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 09.01.2025 10:59

The concept of infinity bothers me an awful lot. That our brain might not really understand nothing. And what nothing really is. Space is not nothing it warps. So nothing is what exists out side the universe.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 09.01.2025 11:04

Einstein says our universe is finite with no boundaries which contradicts logic. Where I feel like explanations of time and space are outside of what man can comprehend. Depresses me out the ionosphere.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 09.01.2025 11:15

These questions that the human mind might not understand what nothingness really is drives m3 crazy. Another thing I've had a oroblem with. Your mind is your biggest enemy. And the fact that your iwn brain can be adversarial to yourself causes anxiety. Which mimics scizophrenia or may be scizophrenia the fact that you're in the dark on it causes my depression. Accelerates it really.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 09.01.2025 11:18

Thetes no one anywhere that can help me anywhere. But that's life. I've got to deal with it.

@MukufaIurchychyn - 15.01.2025 19:26

I have all of these problems because I procrastinate on lot of things I have a philosophical thoughts , overthinking and depression

@Yesbutactuallyno788 - 22.01.2025 10:43

It's because highly intelligent people often DEEPLY overthinking about something. But if they know about psychology, they can apply it as perfectly and solve their depression just as how they can find X in literature.

@Patron_Saint_Of_Smart_Asses - 28.01.2025 08:19

I got them all! My doctor says that I may have ADHD but the brain scans are still being processed at this moment and I have gone to therapy for multiple years on end with no avail discussing the usual, attempted suicide and self isolation for ninety days.

@uwumart2023 - 28.01.2025 22:51

This me :( i also tend to intellectualized my behaviours and feelings too much, its like im so aware of my emotions then i overthing and the cycle continues

@jarinorvanto4301 - 07.02.2025 09:38

Imagine being immersed by stupid policies and severely outnumbered by lowbrows and midwits most of the awake time... And targeted by exclusion, devaluation and hateful resentment. Bright people merely have to exist to become targets by mediocrity, as mirrors revealing the observers' own imperfections.

@extavwudda - 11.02.2025 10:29

We're ignoring an interesting background variable here. Most intelligent people do not join Mensa. People that join Mensa, will perhaps do so because they desperately want to be considered smart, for whichever inferiority complex or perhaps narcissistic tendency. That hole can never be filled though. These experimental results will be skewed.

@saracosta4898 - 19.02.2025 15:34

I have 3 of them and I struggle the most with philosophical and existential crisis (which are also related with the link between intelligence and suicidal ideation). But I don’t have any issues with trial and error learning, I’m both intellectual with my mind and my body (as I’m hyper aware of my body too and what I need to do to achieve the results I want such as being aerobic, practicing martial arts or getting to advanced yoga poses) I’m just not so inclined to group sports because of the interpersonal problems also mentioned in the video.

@stefan5958Q - 23.02.2025 10:22

A 26 year young man here. What I realised last week is that I miss intimacy, true connections on a deeper level. I find it very difficult to make intimate connections. I try, yet it doesn't become easier somehow...

@anonim7677 - 26.02.2025 23:50

I dont want to be arrogant but i have all the problems

@hariompareek5726 - 28.02.2025 08:03

Intelligence is perceived as wrong. You are not actually intelligent enough. You are just a newbie in contemplation. Because the experience ones already knows that the sadness is inevitable while having these questions around but still they are intelligent enough to get the courage to smile...

@Praveenkumar-pq8eu - 02.03.2025 08:34

I am not intelligent. People around me are just plain sight dumb

@Psych2go - 12.02.2025 12:10

Are we missing other possible reasons?
