WOW, has this bag exceeded all of my expectations! I’m incredibly hard on bags. Cheap bags, expensive bags, supposedly high quality bags - I break them all in a short amount of time. The zippers break or the stitching comes out or the straps begin to rip, and I end up settling for a bag I don’t love just because of durability and convenience. This bag looks fantastic in person and after months of having it and toting way too much stuff in it, I haven’t seen any wear and tear on the bag at all. I’m sure given how rough I am it won’t last forever, but it’s already beat out most bags of nearly every brand and (normal person) price point. The pricing on the bag is the same as something at Target despite the much higher quality, and I get compliments on it from women of all ages and styles. I was just hoping for something to get me through another 3 months and I found something much more!
ОтветитьOk, I’ve been using it for two days now. I love the size, I love both shoulder straps , and, I like that there is a zipper in both the front and back of the bag . I’m still not positive about the liner. If it ever tears it can’t be sewn/fixed. I’ll update again in a few weeks.
Upon opening:
One of the zippers is split and I just opened it. I gotta say, I’m not impressed. I’m a HUGE purse/bag person. But this purse feels/looks like it may make it a few months . I’m not a fan of the “liner”. It looks and feels like a form of plastic (?). It’s the kind that tears easy. I’ll update in a few days.
Love this bag! It's sturdy and easy to put over my shoulder without the long strap. Also STAYS on my shoulder...some slip off but not this one. Not too deep to lose stuff...Great purchase for the price!