ETL vs ELT | Modern Data Architectures

ETL vs ELT | Modern Data Architectures

Kahan Data Solutions

55 лет назад

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Understanding the differences between these two concepts is critical.

These represent two of the most common approaches for designing a data pipeline.

As a data engineer, you'll definitely be expected to know these.

While they are similar, there are some critical differences that you should know.

In this video we will discuss:
- Both ETL and ELT
- Example tools
- Which I would pick (if I were to start from scratch)

By the end you will understand the difference between ETL and ELT and why it is critical for any data engineer.

00:00 - Intro
00:36 - What is E-T-L
01:38 - What is E-L-T
03:19 - Which is Better?

Title & Tags:
ETL vs ELT | Modern Data Architectures
#kahandatasolutions #dataengineering #dataops


#analytics #data_warehousing #big_data #business_intelligence #modern_data_stack #data_engineering #data_analytics #cloud_data #cloud_computing #cicd #data_ops #automation #data_mesh #data_warehouse_architectures #data_pipelines #etl_vs_elt #etl_tools #elt_tools #data_platforms #data_engineering_tools #what_is_data_engineering #what_is_data_ops #data_warehouse_design #data_warehouse_ops #how_to_build_a_data_warehouse #what_is_etl #what_is_elt #data_build_tool #fivetran
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