Top 10 Reasons to Move to Florida

Top 10 Reasons to Move to Florida

Addicted to the Mouse

4 года назад

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@lisiepoo6933 - 17.04.2022 20:04

Love that you want your children to know other cultures! That is an awesome reason! Love the channel keep up the good work guys.

@dianepitts8158 - 14.10.2021 19:53

Love your videos and especially this one! I moved to Florida from Maryland a little over 2 years ago and I had the same list of reasons! One other is the positive atmosphere here too. The customer service is real here as compared to my former home state…. Cheers!

@bobdobb9082 - 30.04.2021 20:43

The Orlando downtown library(other branches also to a lesser extent) has a media lab that offers free classes you won't find at any other library in the country. Other libraries send people to copy it.

@bobdobb9082 - 30.04.2021 20:38

Going to Lima Peru is only $300 roundtrip from Orlando this year. I fly from Michigan to Florida, stay in FL for a few days, then go onto my destination without much difference in flight price.

@bobdobb9082 - 30.04.2021 20:27

Tiny channel that will grow!

@opchick0597 - 22.03.2021 02:35

I know exactly what you mean by "it feels like home". We felt that way the second we stepped into South Carolina from PA. We moved to the upstate in SC in 1994, best move we ever made.

@alisonnorth1195 - 25.11.2020 05:39

10 awesome reasons!!!

@howellfamjam1738 - 24.11.2020 18:58

Love this video. It’s our family’s dream to move to Florida one day. Looking forward to the future videos and tips on your move!!

@lotsafoofoo7158 - 24.11.2020 01:44

I was listening to your top 10 reasons to move to Orlando I was curious if your reasons would match up with my 10 that made us make the move to Orlando and I would say we where pretty even but definitely our number one is everyone’s number one “Disney feels like home”

@marcyblissard3309 - 22.11.2020 23:22

I couldn’t agree more! Especially with reason number 1. My family is moving to Florida this year. ☀️
