I'm a Software Engineer. In my career I have been Project Manager, Lead Developer and Software Engineer. As a Software Engineer I'm specialized in distributed application architecture using different languages and frameworks. I'm an Embarcadero MVP, strongly specialized in Delphi for cross-platform development (Windows, OSX, Android and iOS) and Server-Side Application, respecting the multi-tier architecture. Motivated and excited to learn new
programming languages and technologies. I am an active member in several projects in the open source community and a frequent speaker at Delphi conferences, where I like to talk about innovating topics: clean code, software architectures, design patterns and best practice. Supporter of agile methodologies, design patterns and TDD. I also develop for hobbies every kind of technology project: Home Automation, Robots, Arduino-like projects and many others.
I'm the author of Delphi Cookbook 3rd edition - A Delphi best-seller book.
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