Thread - Vertical Wallet Education

Thread - Vertical Wallet Education

Thread Wallets

4 года назад

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@ruslanmalaev3917 - 12.09.2021 07:35

I bought this wallet and Talon wallet from Softie Leather Goods for my collection

@ipkickss - 21.12.2021 10:47

Where does the money go?

@aehgos - 16.02.2022 05:02

I have searched all around the world for this kind of wallet during 5 years. It's crazy that no one sell two pieces of leather glued together! I had one made of leather that my bank sent my card in and I have been using it this whole time. I'm happy that I found the vertical wallet honey as a replacement to my old one. This model is the version made only with leather. Bought it on the spot and I can't wait to it arrive!
