that stuff will destroy all the sickness you have.
this kinda stuff is why safety manuals were made. everything regulation for safety ever made was written in someone getting hurt.
That "uranium fever", song hitting different now
ОтветитьHow many people did this radium elixir kill?
ОтветитьYummy radioactive water with my coffee? Count me in
ОтветитьThat video title!!! 😬
ОтветитьYo so where could I find that periodic table he has?
ОтветитьAnd now donald trump says a little radiation never hurt anyone, in fact, a little but is good for you. What a joke.
ОтветитьGuy looking like the movie's Thor talking about RadiTHOR!
ОтветитьThey heard the call of atom in its great division.
ОтветитьBy far the most interesting table of elements i have ever seen.
Ответитьradathor narrated by thor
ОтветитьLook at we eat and drink today. Biggest cause of unaliving is heart disease...
ОтветитьWhat happened to your video about Harry daugligan and the bricks, it was my favorite, I know you deleted the original one of this, probably because of inaccuracies that you brought up in this remake, but I was just wondering
ОтветитьI was going to ask a question but comments are brutal, but good video!
ОтветитьI’ve heard a lot about this. I would highly recommend the book Radium Girls. It deals with a lot of this stuff and it’s quite tragic as well.
Ответитьgreat video, one thing though - it's Maria SKŁODOWSKA - Curie, and there's a very importnant reason why polonium is named the way it is
Ответитьthe problem with all medicines is that on dose heals ...while one dose kills
ОтветитьSnake oil with radium? Sounds like double bullshit
ОтветитьJust a bunch of people listening to the experts and following the science
ОтветитьThe script writing of this episode is just… chef’s kiss
ОтветитьYou much as any amount of radium is too much...if the man had lived by the motto of everything in moderation it probably wouldn't have gone quite so badly
ОтветитьAnd just think the fascist that is in the White House just got rid of the agency that would keep this from happening again!! Brilliant just freaking BRILLIANT!
ОтветитьI love these stories - Kyle always tells them in such a captivating way that I actually pay attention to. Hoping to see more
ОтветитьWhy has Kyle never done a Half-Life Histories on Chernobyl itself? For as many times as he's been there, and with him being my only source of all knowledge on radioactive material, I have no idea what happened.
ОтветитьExcellent documentary Kyle. Thank you
ОтветитьSome things never change. By the time Eben Byers died, dozens of Radium Girls had been deathly ill, dying and dead. And nothing was done about the radium commercial cure market. The girls' suffering was dismissed, ignored, their reputations impugned (at least one was accused of having an STD). But one rich man dies and the whole market collapses.
ОтветитьIt's not Marie Curie, it's Maria Skłodowska Curie!! She was Polish, even named an element after her homeland.
ОтветитьCan't wait for Trump to bring us back to these great times.
ОтветитьYou talk like her living to 100 without getting a Nobel Prize is some kind of negative trade-off. Are you a lunatic?
ОтветитьHere comes the polish person to scream at you that her name was Maria SKŁODOWSKA Curie
ОтветитьI didn't know fat Thor had a yt channel
ОтветитьI need you to know that a few minutes ago I referred to you as “The Beautiful Radithor Man” because I was 3 bong rips deep and couldn’t remember your name.
ОтветитьInteresting how bourgeois governments are only willing to rapidly move to regulate something when they find it's harming rich people 🤔
ОтветитьKyle Hill is just another basement gamer "influencer".....This bullcrap about accepting money for the dogs of Chernobyl is a ruse to make him look like helps with any efforts thereof...He mostly sits in front of a green screen talking about how brilliant him and his fellow scientist are...Yet they still don't know how contain nuclear radiation or stop meltdowns...Safe to say, it's people like Kyle Hill who puts people's lives at stake when they act like gound zero is inherently safe to walk into!!! I blame nuclear scientist for Chernobyl and Fukushima and any incidents there after pertaining to nuclear incursions! Accept accountability if you want to be known as "Brilliant" Kyle Hill, and his patron subscribers!! ACCOUNTABILITY FTW!! GATCHA MOMENT!!
ОтветитьRadioactivity is so weird and magical.
I heard recently that the Russians occupying Ukraine caught fish in the holding pond from the 1986 reactor meltdown and died from radiation poisoning.
... how did the fish not die from the radiation?
Omg he gave it to his horses 😢😢
ОтветитьI'd take the long life over the prize too
ОтветитьEXCELLENT video. Thank you!!
ОтветитьSuprising to listen to all the stories that helped establish OSHA, then turn around and hear how the US governement is trying to gut and dismantle it. 😢
ОтветитьYou heard it here live folks! Nobel Prizes kill people.
ОтветитьBrilliant, amazing people we're so blind to the danger,
ОтветитьWell done for showing this 👏 👍 👌
Ответитьbro forgot to mew
ОтветитьIts like we accidentally did a Fallout and then decided "whoops, nevermind!"
ОтветитьGreat video! One thing I'd love to add: full name of Marie Curie was Maria Skłodowska-Curie. She was insistent on using her full name, as it was her way to honor Poland, as her country was wiped out from maps under long years of occupation. in the future, It would be great way for include her legacy in any other occasions :)