00:00 Introduction
00:18 Data Formats for importing and exporting to DataFrame
01:06 Visual studio Code platform to use pandas read_excel() to create DataFrame
02:16 Sample excel file ( student table )
02:30 Colab Platform to read excel file and create DataFrame
04:38 sheet_name to read from work sheet
06:00 index_col specify the column to be used as Index of the DataFrame
07:15 header of the columns
08:45 names , header names
09:42 uscols , Using columns to create DataFrame
11:25 dtype , updating data type of the column
13:00 converters, applying functions to elements of the DataFrame
16:50 skiprows , skip rows while creating DataFrame
20:00 nrows , use number of rows to create DataFrame
20:19 skipfooter, skip rows from the footer while creating DataFrame