James Lovelock | The Gaia Hypothesis (Documentary)

James Lovelock | The Gaia Hypothesis (Documentary)

Brilliant Minds

6 лет назад

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@TheIPGCorporations - 17.12.2018 03:02

The earth is a sentient organism theory. I'm aware of it. I'm neither for or opposed to the theory.

@lawshorizon - 18.12.2018 05:00

Nature is always trying to balance things. As pointed out near the end of the video it's all an ordinary, natural process. Unfortunately, human greed, to burn and ravage the earth's resources and, not to mention, natural inclinations and social processes, will lead to human depopulation and possibly total extinction. The Earth will eventually repair itself -- but it's hard to say whether there will be any remnants of humanity left.

@rachelraccoon5565 - 29.03.2020 03:03

I hate 'liking' this video cuz it was depressing as hell, but I appreciate the magnitude of Mr. Lovelock's work.

@ryanwelborn1609 - 03.09.2023 22:38

Why does this documentary give so little attention to Margulis, Kropotkin, Rizpolozhensky, Vernadsky and Kostitzin?
