We Maxed Uugo to 6 Stars in Raid Shadow Legends

We Maxed Uugo to 6 Stars in Raid Shadow Legends

ECHO Raid Shadow Legends

4 месяца назад

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@MutantDestroyer - 02.07.2024 16:20

Congrats on winning korugar death-bell, hes a good support champion, high resistance is recommended on him.

@emmanueladama4197 - 02.07.2024 16:24

Have you started preping you sprite and Valerie for winxwell Comp. Just did mine, and at level 50. I last to the end of the unm clan boss turn limit. DO THAT FIRST SO YOU CAN CONCENTRATE ON OTHER AREAS.

Use GEO, SPRITE, VALERIE, WINXWELL, AND a block debuff champ for all affinities and extra buff.
Spd ~ 200, def >=2000 4 all champs, shield gear champ should be 100k+ hp can use 2 champ at 50k both.

@gildarmesh3809 - 02.07.2024 16:31

they added the ability to empower epics fairly recently... so it's understandable he did not know

@chrisdunn833 - 02.07.2024 16:31

You need to build a Wixwell infinity comp, you'll have an easy 1 key for UNM, NM and Brutal.

@TomSundayGames - 02.07.2024 16:40

Congrats on the new 6 Star Champ, Echo!

@mtghavoc1291 - 02.07.2024 16:42

Was it just me or did anyone else hear overlapped audio during the video? Not sure if echo had a video playing in the background or the editor made an audio mistake lol.

@joyabee2199 - 02.07.2024 16:57

If you are trying out Clan Boss and it doesn't go as you expect, just close the game before your whole team is dead. That way you can try again without losing a key.

@KeithDCanada - 02.07.2024 16:58

Background music is on the loud side. Partially drowning your voice out.

@PartialCannon - 02.07.2024 17:23

Great choice on Uugo

@jhonniekravchenko643 - 02.07.2024 18:15

Echo there is a trick you can use to test your CB runs without consuming the Key. Whenever you want to restart your run to not waste a key you can press Esc, that will pause the game, then you force close the game while the game is paused. When you come back to the game your key will not be consumed and that run will not be recorded so you can try to get the perfect key multiple times until youre satisfied with the result.

@Boomzel - 02.07.2024 18:23

Love the videos man, you definitely have access to the champs needed for wixwell inifinity shield, so worth it when you can 1 key all CB levels, be a good video building and testing that *edit im using High Khatun lead 60, wixwell 60, valerie 50, anchorite 50 and geomancer 60, the buff extender all on 3 turn cool down and hitting 130m plus on UNM

@ecnexgaming1262 - 02.07.2024 19:58

Since when did he pull a second mother cybelle been seeing alot of wierd stuff from this chanel

@1nfern0 - 02.07.2024 21:25

if you notice that your clan boss run doesn’t seem a good one, you can close the game completely and re-use that key again, instead of losing it like that..

@jaylawrence4733 - 02.07.2024 22:06

Long time player here. Ive been watching your videos pretty much since you started. Great content, it really makes me remember why I love Raid. You can easily one key UNM/NM clanboss with an infinity shield team. Run Wixwell and two buff extenders on a three turn CD ( Valery and hellborn sprite are two rares) and two damage dealers, probably rathalos and Geo.

@eugenebarryhusselmann8489 - 02.07.2024 22:13

How do you great hall look like

@williamsmith3211 - 02.07.2024 23:15

I was winning the champ training then all a sudden someone jumped 10k points past me instantly,,man I was so mad I caught back up to them,then they jumped another 10k damn krakens...

@rolleroftherock1 - 03.07.2024 02:20

Hmm.... You need to 6 star Galcobar.... Hypertrophy one of the best heals in the entire game!!!

@emmanuel8484 - 03.07.2024 05:19

Echo try swapping wixwell in the lead instead of tyrant 28% def all battles instead of 25% hp

@r4dz402 - 03.07.2024 06:48

Geo and any other burn placing champ do not go well together. This is because geo's passive only activates when getting attacked by enemies under HIS burn. Any other champ dealing burn will override his burn and the passive will not activate. Geo's passive is what makes him so busted so always remember this when building a team with geo!

@ItsDaveMan795 - 03.07.2024 07:58

look up a wixwell team that does infinite shields. Theres a farmable rare that extends buffs and several other champions to keep extending shields at least 2 rares and a bunch of epics. Speeds are low. Use geo and its a super easy UNM & Nm team.

@jamesgish9202 - 03.07.2024 09:16

You have the champs needed to 1 key UNM. What are you doing?

@jamesgish9202 - 03.07.2024 09:17

Youve been using the same champions for MONTHS AND MONTHS. You have different champions and could do way more

@Moekey979 - 03.07.2024 10:00

The background music should be a lot quieter! It's nearly as loud as your voice! Greezz from Germany!

@love2rogue - 03.07.2024 11:36

buff extender (like sandlashed/anchorite) in a shield set, will dramatically increase wixwells value for clan boss :) its technically better than unkillable

@maalemakthem267 - 03.07.2024 17:17

Another burner with geo is not a good idea

@Edgunsuk - 04.07.2024 03:11

shoot the editor first time here and last that music made it so i could not understand a single word he mumbled

@MollHyman - 31.08.2024 00:32

Johnson Kevin Lee Linda Taylor Ruth
