Honestly, escapes are cool and all to watch, but as a viewer, this isnt something i want to see become a normal thing. Once in a while i guess is okay. It's just scary to think the cycle that is happening to nopixel will become the outcome of this rp, where cops will just try hard then crims will try harder so cops will try harder and then nothing fun will come out of it. I love watching cg and i dont want to lose interest in something that helps me relieve stress. Cg in prodigy is different and it revived the interest for me personally, so i hope it wont end up like np lol
ОтветитьI thought we weeded out the hate viewers
ОтветитьOMFG, the cry gang is back. You're not in CG, lil bro. It's just rp, stop crying.
ОтветитьMan Hutch was very confident in this going his way... That didn't end well lol
ОтветитьSo watching this people were upset is LK’s chat because him and Hutch were RPing and they assumed LK was pissed for getting caught ………..
ОтветитьMan hopefully twitch chat will pull the stick out of their asses and just chill. It woukd truly suck to see people start avoiding people all because chat cant keep their panties from getting all bunched up
ОтветитьYou can definitely understand Hutches POV. But unless you retrieve the car you cant prove the tracker was on that car. You can only say K was in the vicinity of the tracker but that doesnt prove the car was the stolen item in question.
KEKW glad they rp that out.
omg.. opening police car doors on way to court house made me cry laugh :D perfect comedy :D
ОтветитьPeople get way too upset about RP though like K was sayin. It’s rp. Chill out, and just watch
ОтветитьW chasers
ОтветитьK, hutch, and that lawyer were killing me
ОтветитьCop: i saw you steal it
K: did you though?
Cop:yea you stole the car
K:what car?
Cop:the revolter
K: did you though?
Bro someone def sharted 😂😂
ОтветитьThese cops are stupid lol
Ответить"Naw he's right you got no evidence asshole."
Mr keboon
Ответитьwouldnt it be tuff if summit pulled up to the courthouse 3 hostages and demanded the release of k and the boys
ОтветитьSo I see Mr K's side of let's RP this out. . But shit bussin really got fucked in the trial
ОтветитьTrunk move was sooo clutch bro.
ОтветитьKebun reads one message of some guy complaining and starts imagining everyone is complaining, chill dude
Ответитьi really wish the chat wasnt on screen
ОтветитьOkay, when Luigi-lookin ass showed up screamin' "Wahooo" as they were being brought in to the court and Tinker goes "Yeah, we get it"... I fucking LOST it. I legit Laughed Out Loud.
ОтветитьCalling ur viewer fucking stupid when u peak at 2-3k viewer is wild 🤣
ОтветитьW Ramee. Server health matters most for all players
ОтветитьThe escape from court was a real bad powermeta move.
ОтветитьI’ve watched enough crime documentaries to know, no body, no case
ОтветитьNow I love Mr. K, but if anyone did anything he did they would be banned for life from the server.
ОтветитьWatching this for a second time. I totally get why K went the lawyer route. He was in the area and a vehicle was stolen, oh this totally means he did it since he was committing a crime in the area. A simple picture of him in the car wearing the samething he is now would have easily gotten him a guilty verdict.
Ответитьbrooo when you cuffed him i lost it LOL
ОтветитьThe best lawyer "Just leave, the doors open"
ОтветитьShould probably ban the haters in your chat, don't want em, don't need em. Makes for a better community that people you actually want around would join in.
ОтветитьBro I stg I saw that Luigi guy at the hospital when i was in city not even a few hours ago lmaooo