#Euroleaks: Eurogroup February 24, 2015, by teleconference

#Euroleaks: Eurogroup February 24, 2015, by teleconference


4 года назад

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@ninadiamant8937 - 14.03.2020 10:02

I will need some alcohol to get through this.
Thank you for posting this.

@Ca_s21 - 14.03.2020 10:02

Αν και ορισμένοι έχουν αρκετά ''δύσκολη'' προφορά, το auto-translate το υποτιτλίζει σωστά. Αν όμως θέλετε να το δουν όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερος κόσμος, τότε σίγουρα θα πρέπει να αγγαρέψετε έναν άνθρωπο να βάλει και ελληνικούς υπότιτλους.

@costamoc - 14.03.2020 10:14

Your responsibility Yanis to get Greece out of the European economic blackmailers dit not stop in 2015 after 6 months, it started then and is still going on till today . Your struggle to make the European Union democratic again, started in 2015. Thank you for exposing the economic blackmailers that divide the people of Europe with lies. I am sure that with your group Diem25 all over Europe you will reach your target to Democratize Europe and save it from the claws of the international bankers. The key is persistance! Thanks to Diem25 ,Μερα25 .

@farangforever7758 - 14.03.2020 15:04

It is a better day for Democracy of all European citizens....
Let everyone understand how our country Greece was treated and blackmailed for the sake of all this "leaders" political carrear.

@fazilyata4406 - 14.03.2020 20:02

I just thought about how can I spend my evening when this was released. Ok, guys, gonna grab some beer and I'm ready.

@dylanemeraldgrey - 14.03.2020 20:30

Cheers to you Yanis. Releasing these is the right thing to do. I hope this is the beginning of DiEM25 going on the attack rhetorically. You can see the consequences of Corbyn and Sanders refraining from calling out the corruption, evil, and cravenness surrounding them and trying to be civil and follow the demeaned and compromised process of the system. We can all see how well playing by the rules has worked thus far. Everyone knows we are ruled by gangsters (the rich/corporations) through the politicians and media they own. I understand the strategy behind, say, calling for the ECB to be transparent and open, but people want a political party to simply call for it to be disbanded and for the participants to be tried in the Hague - and also to make it clear that they are just carrying out the demands of the capitalists they work for. I have a feeling a lot more people would join a party like that.
As it exists at the moment, the left refuses to organize itself, unify, and internationalize. I hope DiEM25 chooses to build itself by working in that direction. All three are key to making any progress toward a system that leaves capitalism incinerated in the dustbin of history. Be bold, don't play by the rules. Organize, unify, and internationalize.
The only way to make this happen is to make DiEM25 an organization that actively, materially, physically helps struggling people. Organized religion learned that a long time ago. (I'm not saying they always do help people or that their intentions are always pure, but it has helped them gain adherents.)
People wonder how to organize and build the left, but it will only happen when we create organizations and institutions that people can benefit from, look to, and rely on. That is true praxis.


P.S. It would be a great help - and would make these recordings eminently more useful - if people can time tag, annotate, and explicate the relevant portions of these recordings.

@GeorgeofGondor2 - 15.03.2020 03:03

And i was starting to get bored in this corona virus quarantine. Are those all?

@genghisdon1 - 15.03.2020 03:56

releasing mid-pandemic is probably not an ideal time to shine light on this, but I'd say it was long overdue, so thanks!

@MrMr-kh5hw - 15.03.2020 13:51

The EU is rotten, sooner Ireland follows the UK out of it the better.

@kevinbillington9773 - 15.03.2020 23:53

All spoken in French, just like Verhofstadt wants 😜. Well done Yannis, from the UK.

@karakino - 16.03.2020 03:13

We should do MONUMENTS about the Greek People, for all you've lost, for all the low-hits that you've taken from ue in all of these years, and for all you're doing now for us all to counteract soros puppets on your borders...


If i'll be able to find another job soon, STAY SURE i'll come to visit your country! u deserve support, and not knock-out uppercuts!!!

@marknash4442 - 18.03.2020 00:40

I abhor the bankrupt ideology that the EU represents. They did the same to Cyprus. However the Greeks need to take some responsibility for the mess they created through their own corrupted institutions. They should have been ejected, set adrift to readopt the Drachma. They would then have to drag theirselves out of their own mire. They entered the EU through lies and subterfuge, effectively cooking the books to gain membership. Good luck, we are out. Watch us prosper. The young Greeks and the next generation are paying for the corruption of previous generations and political criminals. Mr Varoufakis, you speak much sense, lucid and intelligent, but it is too late. Be radical and cut the cord with the EU. Get out, and make your own way, this time with a complete reform of your culture of non payment of tax

@noamfinnegan8663 - 29.03.2020 12:58

Ouch Yanis, that's what I call dealing with a shower of c***s (bullies)
All small nations, the world is changing and we need to leave this secret organisation. URGENTLY

@noamfinnegan8663 - 29.03.2020 13:02

Side note
Michael Noonan doesn't represent the people of Ireland just his Greedy masters. Let's get out now.

@noamfinnegan8663 - 29.03.2020 13:04

Hi Netherlands, he's one of yours, get him out the next vote. Jeroen bye bye

@babyl-on9761 - 03.04.2020 17:46

Events taking place now are civilizational is scope. The very smart people here don't recognize the magnitude of the changes occurring. Western civilization has failed to be anything but imperial slaughter and the pathological lust for power. Democracy has been an utter and contemptible failure protecting imperial devastation of human life for profit. Yet, these, our smartest tell us that the only solution is more democracy. There is a pathetic lack of any imagination in Western civilization and here it is on full display.

@DM-pw3pl - 08.04.2020 07:00

Dear Greek brothers, I hope that this farce will end soon. EU is not acceptable, the only acceptable thing would have been the United States of Europe with equal rights for all. I have no faith in this EU, indeed I feel harassed as a citizen. The dream of the founding fathers De Gasperi, Schuman, Adenauer has truly become a nightmare and the coronavirus has opened the Pandora's box .. Today what we need is state sovereignty that serves to protect citizens from external factors. This insane experiment is finally coming to an end!

@CM_Burns - 24.04.2020 04:45

Is Italy listening to this?

@guilhermenunes1716 - 04.05.2020 22:35

The EU was never democractic

@spiritualeco-syndicalisthe207 - 10.10.2020 14:29

Please, as many people as possible should mirror this, this must not be forgotten!

@debra.a8741 - 01.01.2021 18:31

wow ..... these Euroleaks are a gift to humankind, really!! Such things should be streamed openly in general in a democratic (!!!) surrounding. Thanks so much for putting them up!!

@mariettestabel275 - 12.12.2023 23:04

Free Julian ASSANGE.
