Rick’s Moroccan Vacation Trip Report

Rick’s Moroccan Vacation Trip Report

Rick Steves Travel Talks

1 год назад

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@customer7903 - 27.02.2025 18:10

HI Rick, we love going to Morocco from our home in Spain. We get over for at least 2 months a year. Over the last 3 years of us travelling all over Morocco we have never had any tummy issues. Your rain trip may have been discerning but we were in Merzouga last September for a 2 night stay in a Sahara camp. Well we ended up experiencing the worse storm and rain experienced in Morocco in 50 years!!! Our 2 days was cancelled the next morning as we had to leave the Sahara due to major flooding. We were taken to a very nice hotel Merzouga for our 2nd night - the whole area was ruined by the storms but we did laugh at the children (who had never seen rain😮) playing in the rivers/streams that had not existed 24 hours before. Morocco is our favourite country (and we both have travelled a lot) with the food, people and landscapes. We are going back again in a couple of months for a month travelling and also for a month over the Christmas period.

@hachemalaouibakri7172 - 01.02.2025 20:33

Sorry to tell you that you are putting a wrong map of The kingdom of Morocco.
All the information that you put on That great country far old than hundreds of others all over the world. So better to get sure to give the best accurate information about Morocco.
So people don’t get confused even if you put receipt that is also wrong of (the Marocain) 😉

@dhbfhdnd5952 - 11.12.2024 03:01

Enjoy your time

@monalisahota - 02.12.2024 21:47

This is so insightful for our upcoming trip. Sorry about the storm ruining your desert experience. Hope ours goes through unaffected. Appreciate Rick's pov on women and their rights as being a sort if evolving landscape across the world with some countries performing poorly, others somewhere in the middle and skme totally evolved. I hadn't thought about it this way but i am going to try 😊.

@emelynjudge1011 - 13.11.2024 09:30

Such a beautiful adventure vacation of Morrocco.

@um9272 - 08.11.2024 17:08

Americans !!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 spending 500 $ a day !!!!!!!!!!!!! And what he gets is ( or offers here ) are superficiality’s and half knowledge
Absolutely typical for this I…….!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂

@Atilla-m9i - 15.10.2024 17:37

What the Young Turks w/ Ataturk and the Ottomans did with their transition to democracy was truly remarkable. If at least 51% of residents are happy with their Royalty by all means keep them. I would be happy living in Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman. Especially during Ramadan. Currently in the USA we are getting around 50% happy rate with our democratic politics and it hasn't been 70% since President Reagan in the 1980s.

@donitaforrest9064 - 13.06.2024 08:43

I just googled: Rick Steves... he was born on May 10th 1955. I was born on May 8th 1954. No wonder I like him so much! 🇨🇦❤😊👍 I've got his books and CDs from 2-3 decades ago.

@maxfax8536 - 22.05.2024 17:48

You make a mistake with the Moroccan map. Between Morocco and Mauritania there is just Morocco. Or did you find a country between Morocco and Mauritania that we ignore.. if yes give us a Name!!!

@AlonsoRules - 19.03.2024 11:57

Morocco is without question one of Africa's most amazing places. Definitely one to visit and incredibly good value.

@migdaliacordero4615 - 16.02.2024 08:42

From your expertise a trip from Portugal to Spain to Morocco back to Portugal in 14 days doable ?

@Khadijakhadija-jy6qi - 05.02.2024 22:29

For someone who spend a lot of time in European countries all of whom are kingdoms except 3 or 4, I found what you said about Morocco being a kingdom very misleading and disturbing. Morocco was a kingdom since Almoravid dynasty since 1050ies. It’s Moroccans choice since then and the least we expect from foreigners is to respect that and accept it just like in Britain or Sweden or Holland ……

@Khadijakhadija-jy6qi - 05.02.2024 22:18

Morocco border to the south is Mauritania and USA recognised those borders just like Morocco recognised USA independence back in 1776

@nehawasnik9623 - 02.02.2024 00:34

I think you should start a new channel or PBS show called Rick Steves Africa and Rick Steves Asia. We need to educate the American folks about expanding their view points to really understand Asia and Africa better than what the media keeps belching out everyday.

@PandaGraciosa - 31.01.2024 22:19

I love seeing the Muslim, Christian, and Jew holding hands in that mural. It’s especially important to see reminders of hope like that these days as we’re all hurting.

@TheAndrewsAve - 21.01.2024 02:53

Love this and love you!! I am pretty shocked at $500 per person per day you must have Really gone all out!

@barbarahallowell2613 - 04.01.2024 02:28

😊❤😊 Thank you for inspiring me over 25 years ago to start traveling the world. Thank you even more for teaching me to carry just a carry on backpack all those years ago. Something I still strongly subscribe to this day.
Thank you for all of the memories I've made. You are a great teacher.

@kamiko. - 12.12.2023 00:49

oki visiting Morocco and still ending up putting the wrong map for it 🤦‍♀️

@marydawkins4190 - 11.12.2023 23:04

I just got back from a trip to Morocco. 12days. Sorry you didn't get to visit the desert and ride a camel...next time. It's a wonderful experience. Fes and the camels were the highlights for me. One thing you didn't do was partake in one of the hammams! You need to put that on your list for next time. You can find a great massage and a scrub down for really affordable prices in all the bigger cities. Well worth it.

@amihameed83 - 04.12.2023 01:02

Waiting for you to do a guide book on morocco soon

@roncarroll6658 - 21.11.2023 03:50

As l have done a trip combining Spain Morocco and portgual before we are going to only do Morocco next year. We were just wondering how much should you haggle with the craftsmen and store keepers when buying goods in Morocco. As a rule of thumb should you offer 50% of their asking price or try for more or settle for smaller discounts. We found some places you could beat them down and sometime they played handball. Very confusing.

@fparent - 21.11.2023 02:16

I did a similar itinerary in spring of 2019 and we loved it. We ate at the same place in Moulay Idriss with a great view over the city and got to listen to the call to prayer.

@SaimaQaisrani - 21.11.2023 00:43

Rick you are so good at narrating. You made to go to Alhambra and Rome with your video. You are best presenter ever

@kursed34 - 21.11.2023 00:04

Fes to Erfoud is a brutal drive lol

@MutluDeveci - 20.11.2023 23:35

Thank you for beautiful information.
