Sean Stone and Jason Jorjani on Ideology and Geopolitics

Sean Stone and Jason Jorjani on Ideology and Geopolitics

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@redsamson5185 - 23.09.2021 18:50

mr. jason reza jorjani denounces white nationalism, but he’s still a fascist, a nationalist or a right wing extremist? his gnosticism and writings on zoroastrianism are what interests me about mr. jason reza jorjani. hope he changes his mind about ur-fascism

@NikkianaJones - 24.09.2021 02:44

Shame about Sean's YT, I image it will eventually happen to us all with the current level of censorship. Great interview!

@jtlemay4878 - 27.09.2021 05:16

this is my favorite channel. i want to her your as many of your ideas as possible.

@BigBunnyLove - 01.10.2021 03:18

The interviewer is raving about I don’t know what. Wtf is he talking about and Jorjani entirely agrees? Loved Jorjani on Mishlove, these interviews are disturbing and ranting.

@hanssolo9796 - 06.10.2021 22:08

Jason is in project mk ultra

@Farid-Abbasi - 07.10.2021 02:37

Jason is an incredible thinker. Very clear in his points regarding physical and metaphysical issues.
I have been following his works now for some time and it's great that he goes to all areas of inquiry and Fields of knowledge which is very rare for a single individual and I don't think there are many individuals like him. That's why his contribution is important for the world and needs to do more of interviews like this.
Thanks 👍
From Islamabad Pakistan 🇵🇰

@willchristie2650 - 08.10.2021 00:56

This guy adores Steve Bannon, who just revealed a scheme for a Republican fascist take over when a Republican takes the White House. Jason wants us to believe that he had no idea that Richard Spencer was a White Supremacist? Seriously?

@willchristie2650 - 08.10.2021 01:00

Sean, you've never left the USA? Most of Europe is socialist, and it is not a Soviet Gulag where the intimate details of each person are controlled by an evil government. What is wrong with you? Ideology over reality?

@mmccrownus2406 - 15.10.2021 18:28

Very surprised he’s a libertarianism simp. Unbelievable

@sharkawy70 - 24.10.2021 05:54

I admire your high intelligence Dr
Jason, I respect so much, I wish you the best. Yet I do disagree with some of your opinions. But you are definitely a brilliant thinker.💕💕💕

@matt7754 - 26.10.2021 01:18

The idea that libertarianism is the path to freedom is just plain stupid

@sereneintegral - 31.10.2021 02:59

John Lamb Lash has recently opened invitations to chat. You two would make a gripping podcast.

@crohgnos - 05.11.2021 03:58

Mr Jorjani should totaly meet and join forces with Robert Sepehr. Look up his channel here.

@westernciviliznation - 09.11.2021 21:25

'Racist'... by definition, race-ist... if one knows what a suffix is, 'ist" = one of,
one of a race - that's all it means. Trotsky speak (communist militant) is now used by
politicians up to Presidents who've adopted Leon Trotsky's twisted meaning. Jason knows.

@armedwithsmile - 19.11.2021 07:28

Jason is mitra him self ...

@ms.solinvictusmithra5700 - 21.11.2021 04:57

Two great Starseed guys! 🌟🛸

@pix3279 - 24.11.2021 07:14

beware all concentrated power- intellectual, economic and political

@pix3279 - 24.11.2021 07:47

did Sean really say the 3/4 MILLION who have died from COVID is a "con"? Good grief

@James-tc6nv - 07.12.2021 13:42

Would love to hear you talk to Joseph Farrell.

@abezucca - 10.12.2021 19:41

Good work Sean. I’m with u.

@krismmm1704 - 24.12.2021 02:19

You guys are very intelligent but you're fools, if you can't see what's really going on with Trump and his movement then I think your letting your emotions get the best of you

@claraallen12 - 27.12.2021 02:37

I tend to agree with JRJ concerning using Evangelical Theocracy policy and law to further divide the country , the Constitution promoted separation from church and state. Better to stay Constitutional/Libertarian and lessen the divide. This New World Order movement accentuates as much as possible the Us vs Them agenda. I dont feel like it is a lessening of Faith at all though I respect the opinion and observations of Mr Stone.

@user-dz9yx3et9y - 05.01.2022 13:12

This guys dad is Oliver Stone, director of Scarface.

@spectralvalkyrie - 06.01.2022 01:36

🔥💯🙌 Best of luck with all your projects in the new year!

@paulocorrea521 - 15.01.2022 16:40

The Eurasian idea is roughly the same scope without the use of terms like Indo-European. In keeping with the tradition of those you should not trust, Israel is not mentioned once.

@4ninefine199 - 01.02.2022 00:52

Wow! Jason, I just noticed that you started a YT channel 😉 I hope you also post on Rumble etc. as I can't see your profound content being "appreciated " on This platform... Just say'en.
Oh... I just noticed that the last post was 4 months ago... Never give up !

@VKg8100 - 09.02.2022 05:30

Libertarians are part of the problem. They are the other side of the liberal dialectic and play their role to act as gatekeepers against a real right from arising. Jorjani is naive to put any hope in Libertarians or their ideology.

@jessicastorey8966 - 10.02.2022 11:45

Anybody know what the button on Jorjan's lapel is?

@sduncanfoto - 05.04.2022 05:42

well said

@billferri5172 - 08.06.2022 18:48

I discovered Jorjani on Dr. Mishove's New Thinking Allowed site. Three of his podcasts captured me ... The Philosophers of Atlantis, Time Travel, and The Breakaway Civilization. It's good to see Dr. Jorjani back in action.

@Jim-jx5ds - 08.09.2022 20:54


@thotparnassus2617 - 11.09.2022 02:32

It appears fascism was installed fully yet secretively in the United States government ushering in the 4th reich but as a Trojan horse covered up by constant propaganda telling enslaved people that they are free. Hitler possessed advanced technology so it seems that he could’ve used that technology to win the war against the US and Britain but instead of celebrating the win he secretly overthrew the US government from the inside…giving the US the victory in the media while installing his own brand of Zionist fascism within the US to bring it down from the inside out

@thotparnassus2617 - 11.09.2022 02:40

It may not be popular opinion but one could imagine politics as a WWE show where heroes play the hero character and heels play the bad guy character so to think that trump …a filthy rich, brutal business man, who visited Epstein islands many times …is any different is laughable. He played the rouge character while still supporting illegal taxes, illegal mandates, fast tracking 5G with little to no regulation etc etc etc…to gain that much wealth in this society demands darkness in order to gain it.

@robpatty1811 - 27.10.2022 12:50

Great conversation with Jason!! Would really like to see more of Jason discussing current affairs.

@ArcanumArcanorum17 - 08.12.2022 12:32

Is sean really a shia

@MikkelGrumBovin - 22.01.2023 14:16

Dr. Jason Jorjani is a humanist , a peacemonger , and if you just LISTEN to what he is ACTUALLY saying - instead of grasping the small-minded gossip, and sentences , taken out of context - you will discover HOW much of a selfless, goodhearted soul , Jason really is ! Thank You mr. Jorjani , for being you , the way you are being you ! 🤗🙏

@movie30000 - 29.01.2023 01:41

Mr. Jorjani is the truth fighter who should be promoted for his contributions

@rajahSufiji - 29.01.2023 21:10

It is intellectually negligent to say the Joe Biden stole the election but to omit Trump's multiple instances of election meddling. Telling the Georgia election official to just find him the exact right amount of votes he lost by plus 1. Filing court cases on multiple states to have mail in ballots simply cast out. (This would have meant that my vote would have been thrown out btw). Publishing fake lists of so called dead voters voting (these lists are simply lists of people who have died who happen to have the same name as someone who voted) Trump did everything he could to steal that election up to inciting a riot against Congress. It's bordering on lying to be this level of intellectual dishonest.

@richardtofield5210 - 25.03.2023 21:12

sean's dad(family name silverstein) made that jfk film produced by milchan the nuclear spy which handily didnt mention jfk's opposition to ben gurion and the dimona nuclear plant.

@richardtofield5210 - 25.03.2023 22:03

were the USA army working as mercenaries for the chinese/israeli world order to clear the land in afghanistan to make way for the china-afghan-pakistan section of the belt&road?

@richardtofield5210 - 25.03.2023 22:17

stone was steering the conversation to british in china.but britain were the muscle for the international elite.people like the sassoons

@baront3932 - 10.04.2023 19:36

Stone is a self professed Freemason. Never trust a mason. They give you just enough to keep you coming back but not enough to set you free. At 19 min he talks about Trump. First off Trump did not pull out of the Paris Accord. He wanted to stay in but only at a renegotiated financial rate. He thought we were over paying. Then Stone talks about TPP and NAFTA. Trump signed the USMCA in 2019 which the Jesuit Robert Lighthizer of the CFR called NAFTA on steroids. Stone is a fool. No reflection on Jason.

@TheTristan91 - 27.04.2023 22:50

will you talk about the jews ?

@malachi5813 - 07.06.2023 17:48

I would love to see you chat with Ryan Dawson

@atendriyadasa6746 - 26.08.2023 08:44

Bingo! "I should know, I was the person trying to create sOMething cohesive out of it." Jason's singin' my song here! Ha ha!..Rock'n'roll, m' Man!!

@FFF-tt6yo - 30.11.2023 21:54

Great conversation with Jason full of information

@MWcrazyhorse - 28.08.2024 22:00

What is this guy talking about?
Both Britain and France went to war against Germany.
Not the other way around.
Your make belief Weltanschauung is indeed leading to your demise. Why won't you stop lying? Just stop lying to yourself.
