037 S01 Ep 12 – LSCO Lessons Learned for PLTs, COs, and BNs w/Company Grade Officer OCT Panel

037 S01 Ep 12 – LSCO Lessons Learned for PLTs, COs, and BNs w/Company Grade Officer OCT Panel

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The Joint Readiness Training Center is pleased to present the thirty-seventh episode to air on ‘The Crucible - The JRTC Experience.’ Hosted by the Commander of Ops Group (COG), COL Matthew Hardman. Today’s guests are all seasoned Observer-Coach-Trainers from across Operations Group, CPT Richard Snyder, CPT Benjamin Malcolm, and CPT Nicolaus Rohrbough. These OCTs have also previously participated in this year’s Large Scale Combat Operations Symposium.

Our guest observer-coach-trainers with over 75 decisive action training environment rotations between them. CPT Richard Snyder (P50) if the Fire Support Officer for Live Fire Division with eighteen rotations. CPT Nicolaus Rohrbough (R03A) is the BN Assistant S-3 Operations OCT for TF-4 (CAV Squadron) with a combination of forty-three rotations between OCT duties and OPFOR. Last but not least is CPT Benjamin Malcolm is the Company Commander for Pathfinder Co, 1-509th IN (Airborne) (Opposing Force) with sixteen rotations.

In this episode we discuss the lessons learned from company grade officer perspective in preparation for conducting large scale combat operations across multiple domains. The panel discusses large scale combat operations executed at the platoon, company, and battalion echelons, offering perspectives on a variety of topics including combined arms maneuver, transparent battlefield, fires, and contested logistics as well as emerging technologies employment.

Key lessons learned for company grade leaders at all echelons when conducting combined arms maneuver during large scale combat operations are ensuring that we are forcing the enemy into a close fight at the time and location of our choosing at a cost that is acceptable and sustainable. Violence of action on any objective should start with indirect fires, this is especially true for fires that organic to infantry battalions, their mortars. Company and battalion leaders need to look at their fires plans to efficiently and effectively layout their echelonment of fires in time and space as your element maneuvers to the objective. The reality of LSCO is that we must be very judicious in how we employ our artillery assets as they’re the keys to success as well as belonging to the division commander. At the squad and section echelons, our leaders ensure that our troops are dispersed, our fighting positions are dug and camouflaged, and that our key weapons systems are effectively emplaced. Tiny wins at the company aggregate to larger victories, which in the end helps ensure that the brigade succeeds.

The two most common myths that companies, batteries, and troops show-up to JRTC with are: 1) Geronimo openly and unapologetically cheats and 2) the training provided during a DATE rotation is focused on small-unit tactics. While we have attempted through this show to dissipate the Geronimo myth, it probably will never go away. As far as the training provided here myth, while partaking in the crucible that is a JRTC rotation, units will have numerous opportunities to conduct small-unit tactics. However, the primary training audience are the brigade and battalion commanders and staffs as there are very view training opportunities available that will simultaneously train an entire brigade combat team’s worth of leaders and staff under duress and in austere conditions against a free-thinking OPFOR.

Part of S01 “The Leader’s Laboratory” series.
Don’t forget to checkout our annual Large Scale Combat Operations Symposium, episode 16 and episode 30 of ‘The Crucible.’ Tune into the previous episode where we sat down with the Field Grade Officers from the LSCO Symposium of ’23.

For additional information and insights from this episode, please check-out our Instagram page @the_jrtc_crucible_podcast

Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the latest warfighting TTPs learned through the crucible that is the Joint Readiness Training Center.

Follow us by going to: https://linktr.ee/jrtc and then selecting your preferred podcast format.

Again, we’d like to thank our guests for participating. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and review us wherever you listen or watch your podcasts — and be sure to stay tuned for more in the near future.

“The Crucible – The JRTC Experience” is a product of the Joint Readiness Training Center.


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