AHK Beginner Course Ep.4 - AHK FindText: Ultimate Guide to Fast & Reliable Text Detection

AHK Beginner Course Ep.4 - AHK FindText: Ultimate Guide to Fast & Reliable Text Detection


5 месяцев назад

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@Mikarevival - 29.06.2024 09:54

Do you know that Autohotkey v2 was released? No need to learn about a deprecated version. I am programming in Autohotkey since 2021 and I switched the end of last year to version 2. You should do the same. Converting v1 Scripts in v2 is a great way to learn more about v2. I looked right now your first video: There are things that do not work in v2. Really?? What? Actually you can do more with v2 that v1.

@onefiveonefive6604 - 14.07.2024 21:54

Very nice.

@thethinker6837 - 21.07.2024 01:27

Will it support autohotkey v1 or v2

@Babban_Billo - 06.08.2024 22:54

thanks bro. It's very helpful big brother. just add one button for stop the script F2::ExitApp ; Press F2 to stop the script

@Maax_Edits - 26.08.2024 10:17

anyone knows how to search the text only in defined area or any way around to set range of search

@defaultuser3661 - 29.08.2024 14:52

is there a way to make it click an image like right when it pops up? because ive been trying to make a macro for this game its kind of like osu, but its a different game.

@limbet3657 - 04.09.2024 21:29

Hello, my English is bad, have you figured out how to go to the result, found the character I need? If not, then here is an example for you
if (ok:=(findtext(blah blah blah))
if ok[1] result 1

}else if ok[2] ; result 2


@markspeeps - 15.09.2024 22:05

Wow, I looked through your very impressive code. You are a real programmer. I captured the "Skip" button. When I ran test it could not find "Skip." This would be huge if I could do it. Have you tried to do this?

@keesdegroot-v9k - 01.10.2024 18:51

I don't understand why/how it is so reliable for you? Been playing around with it for a while now but for me it's the exact opposite.. I even went as far as using multiple findtext searches (all looking for the same text, just multiple different captures) and it still fails 90% of the time. I don't know what else to try to be honest. In the past i've tried making a "running script/function" by just using different colors for each tile, i might just go back to playing around with that because this just doesn't work.

@trilogen - 22.10.2024 09:48

Hi, my problem is with scaling, sometimes the icon, or text that I'm looking for is slightly smaller or bigger. Is there a way to search for the text/image in a certain scale range? like if not found, scale down by 20% and keep scaling up by 1% until found or until it has reached +20% scale in which return a NOT FOUND.

@candlely8 - 18.11.2024 18:13

Hey Buddy! I tried to use this, but the following day it didn't work. It looks like my PC is adjusting its brightness or something, and adjusting the tolerance might solve my concern. But I don't know how to do it. Could you please give me a hand?
