ArmA 3 | Scripting (Patrol Script & For & Event Handlers)

ArmA 3 | Scripting (Patrol Script & For & Event Handlers)


10 лет назад

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@Richadenness - 25.04.2014 01:18

Amazing video phill :)

@c3llarz0mbi3 - 14.05.2014 15:38

Nice trick :) How would I make the patrol get back in patrol mode after a while? 
And does the eventhandler check for gun fire that is near or bullet impact? 

@thatchookbehindyou - 19.05.2014 01:53

Is there any way I could do this but an AI stops doing its current animation when he gets fired near. Cause the way I currently do my missions I add a trigger that gets activated repeatedly which does
s1 switchmove "blabla" ;s1 disableai "anim";

@jayo6468 - 24.11.2015 16:32

hey, too bad, this is really smart... hope its back up soon.. maby you can help me with somthing, im trying to find out how to have my bluefor respawn to base, but have opfore playable units respawn to side, some one pointed me in the direction of event handlers, but i would like to be able to just use the unit init field...

@jasongray6716 - 03.01.2016 23:56

It would be great if you can do a tutorial on implementing server-side scripts.
