LOGAN - The Greatest Comic Book Movie of All Time

LOGAN - The Greatest Comic Book Movie of All Time


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@markwarling8181 - 09.05.2019 08:28

Seen it a few times. Great comic book movie. Logan. Awesome!!! Great acting from hugh. Agree with what you guys say. Totally awesome movie. So much emotion great movie. Shape on!!!

@markwarling8181 - 09.05.2019 08:19

Love Logan great movie!!!!! Shape on!!!!

@michaelharris9760 - 22.06.2017 10:18

Logan was excellent. Almost the best. My unbiased pick for best superhero movie overall is V for Vendetta.

@Out-Cast75 - 11.04.2017 04:58

Logan is a great movie, my fav super hero movies of all time not in order cause that's to hard but here ya go, Batman 1989, Superman 1979, Superman 2 1982, Batman Begins, and Dark Knight, Spider-Man 1 and 2 , Dead Pool, Wolverine movies were good also,

@not.anna212 - 28.03.2017 18:42

but but.. Heath Ledger

@not.anna212 - 28.03.2017 18:39

i think from the trailer (with the johnny cash song in it) the movie was gonna be insane. Probably one of the best trailers ever too.

@christopherpeninger324 - 16.03.2017 01:11

I didn't "watch" Logan. But did you notice the similarities between Logan and Stranger Things? Pacing, Quiet Strange Girl, a Story, etc. 😋

@michaelgreene4816 - 11.03.2017 10:28


@stewartwaldie9716 - 08.03.2017 03:28

Loved Logan brutal action with an emotional heft great performances all round but felt it was lacking in a memorable villain so would have to say The Dark Knight just edges it for me

@cosmedix - 07.03.2017 23:11

logan is the greatest comic book film period

@vilenessfats9395 - 07.03.2017 02:43

I thought Mike had a stroke there for a second

@JRF32100 - 06.03.2017 17:37

Heard an interview with Jackman a couple of days ago where he was talking about his Wolverine/Logan role. He mentioned that he is first got the role in 1999 when he was 30 years old. Which reminded me that the first X-Men movie came out in 2000, so Jackman and Stewart have been playing these roles for 17 years. That is just insane to me, and it's no wonder they have such good chemistry and a good feel for their characters.

@JPuReTaLeNt - 06.03.2017 10:02


Saw this movie twice in one day. It gave me the Terminator 2 vibe with Laura because she was like just a killer in the beginning with not too much emotions and knowledge of human emotions and the way they work. Then you have her watching tv in the hotel and kind of trying to understand feelings and why people cry and then after the time she spends with Charles and Logan you start to see her get emotional as it all comes out towards the end. The line from Terminator when Arnold asks John "why do people cry" and then at the end he tells him he finally understands. This was kinda like Laura but different because she was the one who figured out why people cry and it came from her. I will definitely agree that this is the best comic book film I've ever seen. It just gets you on every single level......also the quote at the end after they bury Logan was the same line from the movie she was watching

@kidz919 - 05.03.2017 20:37

I thought about you guys saying this film being the greatest comic book film of all time. I have to say its hard to argue. I love so many films over the past few years but this one? Was just too good. Have to say I agree. Hugh needs an Oscar. Fuck The Oscars if they don't give this film an award

@gmbarrett50cal - 05.03.2017 17:25

probably the best movie reviews ever don't get me wrong i still love Jahns but u guys are the shit much love graham from scotland

@thedestinationstation - 05.03.2017 11:31

Logan was super fucking fantastic!!!! How do I send you guys a gift???

@jasonott6590 - 05.03.2017 01:57

Yay! 😅 really excited to see it!

@samuelstokes8350 - 04.03.2017 22:34

This movie was fantastic and awesome!

@Deadpool784 - 04.03.2017 21:50

I thought that this movie was good, and Hugh Jackman was fantastic as always. But I found the movie very underwhelming, and I do not think it was the proper send off for Wolverine.

@bIaZze778 - 04.03.2017 20:55

Ending was disappointing though...

@TheAmplifiGuy - 04.03.2017 20:17

I wanna grab a beer with you guys and talk movies.
Saw the movie last night and enjoyed the hell out of it. When she turned that cross into an X at the end I lost it. Emotionally 😢😢😢

@mariotexeira3918 - 04.03.2017 15:43

I watched Logan tonight, and Holy Shit!! didn't expect I'd cry..wtf. it was an emotional roller coaster. This movie was a fucking masterpiece!

@zackthompson3731 - 04.03.2017 15:34

You dudes are fucking awesome! Keep up the entertaining videos \m/

@mijanhoque1740 - 04.03.2017 15:21

what score would you guys give this movie out of 10?

@Insanicide13 - 04.03.2017 14:06

Dark knight is imo the best super hero movie.

But to be fair I haven't seen anything in the mcu.

@shiny311 - 04.03.2017 11:03

WOW. Have not seen or heard that name Alkaline Trio in the longest. Thanks for making me feel super old!

@LiberalTearsAreSalty - 04.03.2017 10:50

great review guys I am so pumped for Logan I can't wait to see it tomorrow.

@isaacmassey4814 - 04.03.2017 10:40

Can't wait to see this. For me, Batman Begins is still the best comic book movie. But I'm going into Logan with an open mind. Thanks for the review boys!

@Njbear7453 - 04.03.2017 10:21

it was GOOD

SPOILER ALERT i think they did a great disrespect to professor x by having him die and then they just bury him in a ditch by a random river. Without him there is no X-men. I'm sorry but that was the ONLY thing that really bothered me. They just have professor X SPOILER die, and then they bury him like he was a worthless piece of trash. I understand it's 2029, I understand that mutants are basically extinct, but the way they treated basically the creator of the x-men disappointed me.

@niktour352 - 04.03.2017 09:19

Hugh should get an Oscar.

@LycanKorso - 04.03.2017 08:51

Just saw it...I was NOT prepared.....excellent movie nonetheless...

@KHWendy28 - 04.03.2017 07:44

THIS MOVIE WAS FUCKING AWESOME! the Deadpool part was awesome and just all the killing great and the ending was heartbreaking as hell.

@iversongirl - 04.03.2017 07:14

I just had a huge debate with someone who said the film Logan was terrible...I felt like I was defending Logan as if it were real lol But what an exhausting back and forth that was...

@FireHawk3 - 04.03.2017 07:05

this is the best comic book movie ever I completely agree

@rexfellis - 04.03.2017 06:28

This was a great movie! The only gripe that I had was in a couple of fight scenes in the beginning. I just wish they had pulled back the camera angle a little. But, that is me being a nitpicky little bitch.
Awesome film, great acting, and it really does hit you hard. I honestly think it would have an emotional impact for people who aren't even fans of the X-Men franchise. I hope that girl plays X-23 for years to come. She absolutely nailed the role.
As always, great review guys. After John WIck 2, Get Out, and this...2017 is shaping up to be one of the best years for movies in a long time. I can't wait for Alien: Covenant.

@syondas2489 - 04.03.2017 05:53

Great review dudes! And is it just me, or was the intro laugh a reference to Feel Good Inc by the gorrilaz? Haha

@DrumdumsOfficial - 04.03.2017 05:52

Unforgiven...fantastic parallel. This really did feel like a Clint Eastwood film. It was so good. I'm still on the fence about it being the greatest ever, but it's easily in my top 5.

@igorsenayoutube - 04.03.2017 05:07

Glad you guys liked it.

I went to see it yesterday and dropped some man tears lol

The only complaints i have with the movie(SPOILERS AHEAD DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN`T SEEN THE MOVIE)
is at the end when x-24 is dragging Wolvie through the ground, the kids just look at it when seconds or minutes ago they had used their power to dispatch of Donald Pierce. That could have been fixed if they had the kids running and Laura staying back to help Logan or run and come back with the bullet to kill x-23 and then the kids could have come back as well because Logan had helped them and arrive too late or something. That detail almost ruined the movie for me. Having that said i have talked to several people about it and they also gave a good point to why that happened which was the fact that Wolvie was a hero to those kids and seeing him get destroyed by x-23 installed huge fear in them and made them think if Wolverine can´t handle him what can we do. That telekinetic kid also dropped a jeep in the guy and couldn´t do shit so it also helped lol Also that they were not experienced and to dispatch of a few soldiers and Donald it required a bit of concentration etc

Other 2 complaints is that it ends in a hopeful way but could have been better given the tone of whole film. After that dramatic heavy trip i needed something with more hope. At least we could have gotten a hint that the future had changed and that would have not come true or maybe end with an inception like thing with the dust in Wolverine´s grave seemingly moving(it was so fast i couldn´t notice if they tried that or not.

I still loved it tho. It´s not as good as the Dark Knight but it´s very close.

P.S. I still would love if Hugh appeared in Deadpool 3. The people should join together and push for it in social media. CREATE A PETITION NOW!!!! Give us the funny and badass Wolverine!

@tomcabler257 - 04.03.2017 04:49

I loved this movie! both Logan, X-23 was amazing! definitely buying this on day one when it comes home!

@renegadehero7393 - 04.03.2017 04:42

Glad to hear you guys liked this so much. I don't know what is the best superhero movie, but my favorite would be Avengers. I totally agree about Hugh Jackman, he's the best period. You should definitely do a top ten superhero movies, that would be fun. I've known the Oscars was bullshit for a long time.

@hahajaxsontv - 04.03.2017 04:38

I'm not ready to call it the best. but goddamn it's was fantastic. I'm going to leave Logan out of my top five because I'm undecided if it's one or two but top five movies based on a comic are

1. The Dark Knight
2. Sin City
3. The Crow
4. A history of violence
5. Guardians of the Galaxy

- 04.03.2017 04:30

I saw it, and even my husband was awed and fan boy-ing but we both disagree, and he says the Dark Knight is still better.

@TheMovieJunkiez - 04.03.2017 04:23

I'll have to see it a few more times before calling it the greatest comic book movie of all-time but it's up there with the best of them.

@BrandonDKirkwood - 04.03.2017 04:22

For me it's a toss up between the first ironman and RoboCop with deadpool right behind them and oh my good this all sounds like a weird superhero orgy haha. I will be seeing Logan soon though so hopefully it will be as good as I'm hearing

@pancheeetee - 04.03.2017 04:19

I've always loved your videos but there was a little spoilet don't you think? for people who doesn't know thar x23 is a clone of logan or his daughter...

@imcashout7079 - 04.03.2017 04:15

it's great but The Dark Knight is superior, people are overreacting because it just came out.

@Kickinthescience - 04.03.2017 04:05

I got a Last of Us feel from Logan

@zanemagers7465 - 04.03.2017 04:05

it was so SO SO SO GOOD!! I love Westerns, and this totally felt like one. It's my favorite superhero movie of the 2000s and is definitely one of the greatest superhero films of all time.

@2nd3rd1st - 04.03.2017 04:03

What? Where the fuck is that spoiler review?

@mercwithayoutube - 04.03.2017 03:46

Man Logan def top 3 of all time in terms of comic movies.

I'm seeing it again i could def be talked into it overtaking the dark knight
