My latest blood work review: PEDs need to change!

My latest blood work review: PEDs need to change!

Josh 'The Viking' Maley

11 дней назад

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@lukemacleod6325 - 14.03.2025 09:36

Do you recommended blood tests every every 4 weeks or so on cycle if you’re upping dosages in stages or adding in compounds to see new levels on them dosages ?

@DTsoumpas - 15.03.2025 00:43

Great video, very informative. It’s nice to see how you’re looking at things and considering different drug interactions. Always appreciate the content. Keep it coming!

@patrikhruby-qi1lv - 15.03.2025 18:19

how much is your creatinine and GFR

@Mab328 - 16.03.2025 00:29

How often do you donate blood? And have you ever had low ferritin then as a result? Thanks for transparency 🤝✅

@gymorsuicide - 19.03.2025 20:02

Steroids= roulette with your health
