ОтветитьIt sucks, we need more lgbtq F35s and tanks.
ОтветитьOk but lets not tell the fans to not buy the game and how you want to be on the right side of history ok? BFV comments were a disaster.
ОтветитьPlease no more clown skins for soldiers and no more candy looking guns. Don't be cod.
ОтветитьBla bla bla bla
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me three times… shame on you.
ОтветитьThere will still be loads of bugs on launch, and people will shit on it like 2042
ОтветитьWe need it to be more LGBTqrstu inclusive
ОтветитьCome back to a BF3 BF4 gameplay and we'll talk again !
ОтветитьNot even hyped..
ОтветитьI feel like the game is made by an AI. There is literally nothing new. It is all the same. Trust me, battlefield 4 was the last good battlefield. I don't want to pay my money for this.
ОтветитьI tried to sign up for Battlefield Labs and there's 252,197 people ahead of me 😂😂😂
ОтветитьDon’t be like cod and bring in dumb skins
ОтветитьI hope There are not special abilities or skills, please let me to play as one soldier .
ОтветитьI signed up for play testing I’m 15 mins away from the Burnaby location I would love to give feed back I have been playing battlefield since I was in elementary school quite literally my childhood
ОтветитьSee you all on the Field my friends...
Ответитьwhats the point of asking for player opinion if u just gonna do ur clown projects anyways.
ОтветитьWe need REAL Battlefield, nothing a CoD copy game. REEEEAAALLLL Battlefield
ОтветитьPump your game up all you want, if the fan base is not happy, it doesn't matter how many staff or studios you have, what engines you use or how innovative you may be. Target what made your greatest hits what they were. Have it work on day one and avoid kitchy things like goofy skins and micro transactions. If you polished up BF1 or BF4 and released it today, those would perform better than your latest releases. Keep it simple and you'll do just fine.
ОтветитьThis will either be the revival of the series of the final nail in the coffin of a dead franchise.
Ответитьgo back to form, and give up on the new age garbage that's been going around..
ОтветитьYou’re gonna screw it up again we all know it.
ОтветитьHope they add back game recording and any-perspective replay. Talk about ads that write themselves.
Ответитьremake bf 2 guys, people waiting
ОтветитьWe waiting realistic war experience. I hope vince do it. We want BF1, BF3, BF4, BFBC2, BF2 quality gaming. AND PLEASE DO SINGLEPLAYER MOD.
ОтветитьYou have always stood separate from COD and that's what I loved most until 2042. Be proud of the past that made Battlefield the game I've always loved and this will earn many battlefield fans trust back 💯 One small request for another down the road...please bring another Battlefield Vietnam in the future and not Bad Company mods. I miss the original Vietnam game. This game and that and I couldn't be happier, and that's coming from a fan who owned the PC 1942 and all of the expansion packs for secret weapons and italy 🫡💯 I'm excited to see this though and I'm really glad it won't be dumb colors, specialists, etc. Give me some good combat and real camo and I'm happy as hell
Ответитьpeople talking about bf3, bf4 and so on...
while the real GOAT is BF:BC2