Detailing Improvements and an Unexpected Jump Scare | Minecraft 1.21 Chill Let's Play

Detailing Improvements and an Unexpected Jump Scare | Minecraft 1.21 Chill Let's Play


5 месяцев назад

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@RemodelGC - 19.09.2024 03:25

The black smith house could be built in the nether using blackstone. You could also build a simple hopper fed furnace, smoker, and blast furnace in that house. I have had dreams I was in a Minecraft world very strange. 😂 Good job on cleaning up your enchantment house. 👏🏽

@mehmetuzun5075 - 19.09.2024 11:33

that wandering trader making TOO much noise

@mehmetuzun5075 - 19.09.2024 11:37

since smelting house makes a lot of sense i think you should make a starter house specifically for crafting and storing which you can store all of your crafting materials so you won't have to wander house to house for resources

@junayetjackson7521 - 20.09.2024 17:13

When will you build the Castle?

@AaTagPag - 20.09.2024 23:26

You are the bob ross of minecraft

@c0d3gr1 - 29.09.2024 22:48

My building ideas come when I'm falling asleep, so I usually hope I remember them when I wake up.
