serves him right he never should have done that in the first place
Ответитьhopefully he pays everyone back eventually and get help
ОтветитьHe is sorry he got caught
ОтветитьYou going down
ОтветитьAgain, gambling addiction is also a thing. I wish him all the best.
Ответить지민이 돈은 언제, 어떻게 갚을래요? 남의 돈을 거짓말까지 하며 뻔뻔하게 빌리다니...도박중독은 못 고쳐.
Ответитьso in Korea does that mean he gets the guillotine?
ОтветитьThis public shaming is so strange. They usually only target the small crimes, but don't show the faces of rapists, murderers and child abusers.
ОтветитьThese gambling websites know to trick and hook peoples' minds. They should be highly regulated and policed for public safety. I'm sure many people have lost great sums to these schemes already.
ОтветитьDefinitivamente las noticias allá no tienen otra cosa que hacer que meterse con celebridades y Idols!! 😮
ОтветитьWhy did he do when he was find
ОтветитьPlease pay back the money you have borrowed from others they worked hard for it and you used them on gambling so disrespectful
ОтветитьJimin of bts has a good heart
He told this guy even if would be 10years to give my money back...
He didn't look sorry ... it's more than causing trouble, he is not sorry ... he's only sorry he got caught
ОтветитьIt’s crazy that gambling is illegal for SK natives, but if you’re a foreigner traveling to specific Korean cities to gamble it’s a-ok. South Korea needs to seriously reevaluate what it considers “crimes” and how they react to them
Ответитьbig deal so he gambles .. and he borrowed money from friends. sheesh i probably have a million dollars out lending money to friends in my lifetime. all those guys had money they can afford to give a friend. this is not a criminal incident stop treating him like that
Ответитьnow give jimin his money back and all the other victims😒shameless bastard only sorry he got caught!
ОтветитьHe is sorry bc he get caught😅..imagine use people's money or 'borrow' his friends money just for gambling..what?? crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy...da da da da da da da da
Ответитьpeople on here just talking about Jimin from bts no money is money, regardless of who you are. Nobody deserves their money fraudulently taken from them. or stolen If this case did not involve a high profile superstar . You wouldn’t even be watching this🤦🏾♀️.
ОтветитьThe victims aren’t helping him by Not filing a complaint of fraud. That’s just enabling him not helping him.
ОтветитьI'm a Korean American living in America but I am ashamed of my country 😔 their laws are ridiculous, their laws are so ass backwards it's embarrassing 😳!!! Ppl in Korea 🇰🇷 need to know gambling is a disease & ppl seriously need help & not jail time. I hope he gets the help he needs.
ОтветитьIt's strange how the police don’t protect celebrities when they’re involved in minor, reformable crimes, yet they go all out to protect truly dangerous criminals. I’m not defending anyone, but this highlights a major flaw in the system. In Korea, it seems like serious criminals are shielded, while celebrities or public figures are left exposed, almost as if they’re not seen as human beings with rights but as public property.
Korea’s justice system is honestly an embarrassment to the concept of justice itself.
ОтветитьSome people say that gambling is addictive and therefore Lee Jin Ho should not be charged, that is like saying ‘stealing’ is a habit so we have to be understanding to the thief. This guy obviously had no intention of paying back what he ‘borrowed’, he is as good as a thief. I have had so-called friends who borrowed from me and then disappeared. I was not born rich, I had to work to earn that money - and I am sure all those people he borrowed from also worked hard for their money, so I am very sure they feel the pain of being cheated. I hope Lee Jin Ho gets charged because he has hurt all those people he cheated.
ОтветитьHe better pay JIMIN back his money 💵. Or else Jimin should sue him. Which I hope he truly does. And pay everyone their money 💵 back as well you thief.
ОтветитьSK is so strange if people He borrowed from did not file a complaint why is He being summon ?. It should just be settled among them .
Unfortunately gambing is a disease like drug addiction. .He needs help not jail time.
He scammed is friends he needs to pay it back
ОтветитьIf he's addicted to gambling, he should be sent to therapy not public shaming. He shouldn't have borrowed money to gamble in the first place, gambling is bad and can bring one down to nothing, broke and poor. But if the people he borrowed from are giving him the grace to take his time and pay, i don't see the reason for the public shaming. Why are people publicly shaming and bvllying him? Nevertheless, he should sign a legal tender that binds him legally to pay back the money and then go work honestly from now on to pay it back. And most importantly GO TO THERAPY. Stop the public shaming. Gosh
ОтветитьThe fact that these reporters are invading these people's personal spaces it's just crazy. What he did was wrong but to be all up in these celebrities faces is bizarre and uncalled for waiting like 🤡
ОтветитьI don't understand the need for Koreans to shame and want to create a scandal out of really things. And yet I've seen murderers and rapist not get the same treatment. Why?
ОтветитьEhhh Sorry is not enough....
ОтветитьDamn i know him from knowing bros.. he should have learned from Lee sang min
ОтветитьGambling? Who gives a shi
ОтветитьWait that mean there already two ppl in knowing brother that caught for gambling him and lee seo geun. Did this mean he also going hiatus on knowing brother.
ОтветитьThis makes me sad but I don’t like how news sources bring him down for a problem like gambling. I hope he keeps going with being a comedian because I’m a big fan of
ОтветитьI think he should and should not be charge. he should pay them back no doubt about it but also go to therapy on why gambling don't think I'm on his side. no no no he deserve everything he gets but why!?
Ответитьhe is a bad person. And he does bad things, so he wins. he enjoys it.
ОтветитьHe acts like he's sad
ОтветитьThat's not enough
Bastard, you are so evil that who will next in your list so your tuber can have money of blood
Evil creature how dare you bully saeron you bastard
ОтветитьDia bukan manusia
ОтветитьGambling is addictive and indicative of mental health issues. I hope that he gets the therapy he needs to overcome this.
Only western countries can have ridicously weido logic like this!!
Gambling is choice & lifestyle, not sickness!!
Thats why US & alots western countries nowadays is flooding by druggies zombie, druggies homeless & druggies thugs everywhere!!
Look at SINGAPORE!! Their country dont have druggies shitty problems!!
Saying GAMBLE is sickness, mental health problems, disease. What the fk US & WESTERN BRAINWASHING THEIR PEOPLE TO MAKE THEYRE CAN THINK LIKE THIS??
1) So people going stealing & robbers must be sickness, mental health problems too!! Because they just like to do it & cant control themselves!!
2) Like you love potato chips is sickness mental health problems too because they’re cant stop eating, cant control themselves!!
3) So people like to bully people is sickness, have mental problems too, they’re just cant stop criticizing people & cant control their bad words come from their mouths!! It like disease & they cant control their hands typing criticism comments!!
No one caught him because his gambling
They caught him cause he borrowed his friends & people money but not pay back. That’s why people sue him!!
yourrr sorry not make saeron .comback to live... l hate youuu
ОтветитьLee Jin Ho deserves a life sentence to prison for what he did to Kim Sae Ron😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 he cause the actress to do suicide you bastard‼️‼️‼️😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
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