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#warframelore #warframecommunity #playwarframe #warframetiktok #warframememes #tennocreate


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@elementall3623 - 16.03.2025 23:11

We dissolve for Endo.

@quintinmariano8897 - 16.03.2025 23:17

I got on the first day of Warframe

@fiendluck - 16.03.2025 23:18

Warframe is for gooners, had to leave it in the past

@pedrocaballero386 - 16.03.2025 23:28

Because that is completely useless

@LeoUdechukwu - 16.03.2025 23:36

Endo is better.

@isaac93656 - 16.03.2025 23:58

I have been playing worframe for 6 years and I don’t know what that is

@SteelLeaf10 - 17.03.2025 00:26

Transmutation is hardly ever worth it. 99% of the time, you just get junk. Its way mor worth wile to dissolve to endo and upgrade something

@jasonbisdead - 17.03.2025 00:43

LR1 here- We've known from the beginning that mod transmuting is a waste of mods that could be endo.

You get nothing in return but trash mods you already have.

@jasonbisdead - 17.03.2025 00:45

This is like logging on to D2 on day 1 and being like "how did none of you know about the consumable you can use that makes enemies rain glimmer when you get a headshot"?!

Totally and completely useless

@phatcn3902 - 17.03.2025 01:48

So many people quit b4 they even finish the first 5 missions to set up the orbiter the percentages for achievements r all out of wack

@BigRed352 - 17.03.2025 02:14

I started playing on the ps4 in 2018...i just got that achievement yesterday 😂

@panini15 - 17.03.2025 04:44

You transmute like 4 mods realize the system is useless and dissolve
the mods for endo instead is the way to go, even selling them for credits is better option cause you’ll at least use the credits as some point rather than the 374th vitality mod your probably gonna get.

@multimachccx1469 - 17.03.2025 04:54

Imma be 100 with ya i got 3k hours on the game and i thought that tab was for rivens only 😭

@Byleththetransfem - 17.03.2025 05:33

I agree with the rest of the comments, like, yea, it's a rare achievement, but so few people have it simply because it's obsolete, most of the good mods you COULD get out of transmutation are easily acquired from other ways and you should dissolve your excess mods for Endo (something I don't always do because I just don't upgrade most of my .ods because I don't want to keep forma'ing everything), so it's not because we don't know about it, we just can't be bothered :3

@vincentvalentine3483 - 17.03.2025 06:03

Because it is inconsistent numbers, and it is easier to just go get the mods you want .
And most people have no idea it's even a thing 😅😂

@scorpiowarrior7841 - 17.03.2025 06:19

The rng on mod transmutes is just so bad

@chaoschao27 - 17.03.2025 07:22

As others have said it's just not that useful most of the time. That being said, i had some very odd reasons to use it. Specifically for equilibrium and healing return. New players get equilibrium as a normal part of progression now but as a veteran i never got it, and it is a very, very good mod in the current meta. So, i dumped a bunch of duplicates and credits and eventually got it.

@QTIPKIWI - 17.03.2025 10:18

How do I do it on console 😢

@MooreCona - 17.03.2025 11:27

Because its a waste

@AriFox83 - 17.03.2025 12:41

is not worth the credits

@zapheengaming9318 - 17.03.2025 15:09

I have so many mods I don't have to transmute

@matthewtaylor7567 - 17.03.2025 17:37

Average destiny player waffle

@WraithReaper09 - 17.03.2025 19:21

Because Endo. And the real gambling is rolling Rivens.

@xSeriKitx - 17.03.2025 22:53

I have never thought to transmute I feel its pointless out of all the years I have played this game I have probably never gotten this achievement cause I just hunt for mods and buy mods from other players

@Strife1 - 18.03.2025 04:03

Nobody does it anymore I think except for maybe those guys who live in the trade tab cuz y’know free plat basically if you get something good

@thekingofravens4322 - 18.03.2025 05:00

I have 42 stealth kills on ziplines but i dont have the achievement for 30 zipline stealth kills(has played for 12 years)

@MrVinceDefash - 18.03.2025 08:34

As a Closed Beta veteran, I can say without any bias I have done this. I do have this one too.
I was about to say there are broken achievements that don't track, but it seems those got fixed, at least on Steam.

@Kagemyth - 18.03.2025 16:04

tbf since its a f2p game most ppl probably dont get very far and drop the game

@amirmoneyplayz8757 - 19.03.2025 06:15

That’s how I got my first condition overload 😭
