Qué vatos locos saludos desde Aguascalientes MX 😅
ОтветитьSaya berharap ada tambahan pelembut untuk luar wilayah kiri dan kanan arena agar mengurangi cidera yang yak diinginkan... 😊😊😊😊
ОтветитьThe thumb nail made me think there was a new excite bike
ОтветитьThere is something strange in the jury's assessment, it is not relevant
ОтветитьGenius cameraman. The first jump and he's so busy shooting the crowd (yeah, that's what we want to see) that we pretty much miss the first jump and then the camera angle is so bad we essentially miss the whole thing for the first rider. Like I said, very clever camera work. Please continue this awesome work.
ОтветитьRyan Williams is a great and talented human.
Ответитьthat rider from newcastle looked great.
Shame his last run was fookd up.
Should have been on the podium!!,
Wallwork got absolutely robbed
ОтветитьGoing by the complexity and style, jaie getting a 70 plus seems very biased or some thing .......
ОтветитьThe only sport where all are pals and the respect we give each other win or lose is genuine. Always showing the world what dignity is. Well done lads.
ОтветитьCongratulations to all you crazy MF'ERS.
To the replay guy/girl......
YOU..... should do better.
(I'm being nice saying it that way)
If your the camera man then do your job I couldn't see half of the guys doing the tricks. Only until they did the replay is the only way I knew what they did.. my daughter could do better then yall with the camera and she's only 6
ОтветитьLos jueces mas que comprados, una indignación
ОтветитьUm abração daqui do Brasil a todas as pessoas envolvidas neste maravilhoso evento , imprecionante dedicação , muito treino , muita queda , muita superação , só vitória , o público agradece o espetáculo .
ОтветитьHardly any fans there. 😮
Ответитьไม่เข้าใจการให้คะแนน extreme
ОтветитьIt was like superbu
ОтветитьGuy lets go of rhe bike and gets a 73 00 ? 😢wtaf
ОтветитьR.I.P Pat Casey dude was a legendary rider
ОтветитьI miss in the early 2000's when these events were sold out and now theyre almost baron😢
ОтветитьI love this idea but the only way I could do this would have to do a lot more than a single person 😊
ОтветитьRyan Williams is sick
Ответитьdie fahrer mega geil aber die bewertung absolut unfair und ständig verwechselt der triple mit quad whip :D
ОтветитьRespect to Pat Casey. Soon as I saw his name I was like oh man… rest in power, brother 🙏
ОтветитьSo entertaining 🎉
ОтветитьWhat is (Islam ❤️) ?
Islam is the name of the religion, or more properly the ‘way of life’, which God (Allah) has revealed and which was practiced by all of the Prophets and Messengers of God that He sent to mankind. Even the name stands out unique among other
distorted religions in that it means a state of being; it does not refer to any particular person, such as Christianity, Buddhism or Zoroastrianism; a tribe like Judaism; or a nation like Hinduism. The root Arabic word from which Islam is derived implies peace, safety, salutation, protection, blamelessness, wholesomeness, submission, acceptance, surrender, and salvation. Islam specifically means being in the state of submission to God, worshipping Him Alone, and reverently accepting and obeying His Law. Through this submission, the peace, security, and wholesome well-being implied in its literal meaning is achieved. Hence, a Muslim or Muslimah is a person (male or female) in that state of submission. A person’s Islam weakens through sins, ignorance, and wrong-doing, and becomes nullified in totality by associating partners with God or disbelieving in Him.
To much yakking with not enough action. It’s irritating to see the overproduction when the talent is more than good enough to carry the show.
ОтветитьI think it's strange the commentators were announcing over the stadium speakers
ОтветитьIt’s wild that more people aren’t drawn to these kinds of sports. There’s no sport that is this physically demanding while being so spectacular to watch. The dedication of these guys to their craft is amazingly admirable.
These guys have me audibly saying “what the fuck” with a mouthful of pad Thai while I’m sitting in my car. I’ve never participated in any extreme sports (unless you count bunny hopping 2” off the ground) but it’s still easy to appreciate what I’m seeing, even without knowledge of the nuances.
If anyone has earned their Pit Vipers it's Travis
Ответить47.66 really? Deserves more than that.
ОтветитьThese guys are amazing to watch😊
ОтветитьDo these guys hear the announcers as they are on their run? If so . Tell them to shut up while performers perform.
ОтветитьExcellent camera work on the first rider ffs
ОтветитьSandoval hall of fame.....godziek and CASEY TOO :)
ОтветитьЗа девіка джойса вболіваю,пішли усі на хуй
ОтветитьSandoval needs to quit button mashing. That's not fair