Hello and welcome to Lord Fenton Gaming Plays Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. I am your host Lord Fenton. In this Don't Panic New Player guide series, I am going over Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 the Sith lords. This guide will cover from character creation, classes, prestige classes, influence system, combat and tactics, companions, tips on making credits and much more. Don't panic everyone, help is on the way in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. As always like, comment and subscribe to my channel for more builds like this.
Video Start - 0:00
Intro - 0:10
What is this new player guide all about - 0:31
Note: I need to add two addition sections in text. Items in KotOR 2 is random on generation. It is level based as well. So if you go on Telos at 8 items will be around level 6 to 12 while going on Korriban at 50 the items are capped at 30-37. This goes as foes as well. Start out on Telos at level 8 your foes will be level 6 to 12 while on Korriban at 50 your foes will be level 30 to 37. So be on guard for those two.
Saving and Loading - 0:55
Classes - 1:48
Attributes - 6:58
Skills - 8:54
Simple Feat advice - 11:58
Alignment and Force Powers cost - 12:56
Dialog and what skills/stats can open up for you - 14:20
UI and Exploring - 14:57
Items - 17:57
Combat and Tactics - 18:31
Level up - 19:51
Prestige Classes - 20:58
Locks, Computers and Repair - 24:27
Damage Types and countering them - 25:23
Know your Equipment - 25:54
Companions - 26:34
Force Powers Intro - 27:21
Light Side Powers - 27:57
Universal Powers - 30:57
Dark Side Powers - 35:36
Shops and Credits - 41:56
How to get what you want from shops for the first time - 42:43
How to make your own trade routes to get credits - 44:18
Mini Games - 46:38
Galax Map and order of planets you should do for the Lightsaber and more - 49:04
Side quests - 50:28
Influence system - 50:59
Crafting System - 54:08
Final Advice - 56:54
Other Star Wars KotOR 1 & 2 builds and guides from this channel - 58:54
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This was filmed with Nvida's Shadow Play on my PC!
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