What You Should REALLY Spend Your Gold on In Hearthstone

What You Should REALLY Spend Your Gold on In Hearthstone


9 месяцев назад

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@thegreatalfini - 27.05.2024 18:10

seeing this after dropping a thousand gold on arena is it cooked 😭

@neondead2.0.15 - 27.05.2024 18:17

easy answer: miniset and skins. All other stuff can be earned without gold (mostly).

@Pyrox645 - 28.05.2024 11:52

You still get a card back every month by playing 5 ranked games. The ones from the reward track are extra

@JohnMatayas - 28.05.2024 14:36

I haven't watched the video, but the answer is packs and miniset.

@Ramysunray - 28.05.2024 16:14

10 years F2P Here if you are F2P player and you can collect 9k or more gold each expansion Only buy new expansions packs and only buy 75 packs exactly that way you will have all commons and all rares and some epics it's useless to open anymore its just gambling at that point. and Always buy the mini set it's pure value. :)

@linion997 - 28.05.2024 16:29

I wish there would be some battleground skin for gold, since I playing only Bg, i have 11k gold and 60 packs unopened just sitting/

@spenserthomas5450 - 28.05.2024 22:00

Hey ChauPau I watched a bunch of your vids when I first started playing, good to see youre still makin vids thanks for all your help!

@TheGaolinde - 29.05.2024 11:17

here is my strategy. day 1 of the expansion, buy 1 golden pack at a time untill i hit a golden legendary, after that dump all remaining gold gold for new expansion packs. open all expansion packs and hoarded standard packs and i am done for now.
then start to save gold for mini set, once its release just buy it.

@johnpaulcross424 - 29.05.2024 11:30

Love your editing, writing, and format. Would love more guide-style vids for hearthstone, from specific modes to general advice

@anobeus4814 - 29.05.2024 15:22

you better win 6 times in arena regularly otherwise it's makes no sense and you better buy packs for 100 gold than going 3-3 everytime

hero portraits is the only appealing and valuable thing for money there if you don't have all the card backs (not all card backs are available to buy, for example I can't buy October 2021 one for some reason) or if you want try your luck in brawlesium for 1k gold in the future (just have 1k on you just in case)

@zxkredo - 29.05.2024 18:26

Ok bro I don't wanna be negative, however this video is not very helpful, or at least as helpful as I expected when I clicked on it.
I thought there will be some data backing this up and not just information anyone who played hearthstone for more than a week would know.
Also as small feedback, structuring the video in a way where the information that the viewer wants to know is at the end feels pretty scummy and doesn't lead to people subscribing to your channel or watching any more videos.

@DogginsFroggins - 29.05.2024 18:54

You forgot you can buy hero skins directly from the collection manager, which I also frogot, I had enough to buy Sylvanis RIP.

@Vayne831 - 03.06.2024 21:40

Looks great. Olá do Brazil.

@Chonyman - 11.07.2024 13:30

Im returning and i just want to craft a good rogue deck for standard. wich packs should i buy? I have gold but no dust

@hefestisllove6056 - 20.07.2024 01:06

Gona copy paste an answer I gave to a comment, in case someone is reading comments before/while they are watching the video:
The video is terrible, 20% of video talking about cosmetics, 20% talking about adventures (with no relevant information, people know HOW to buy them, people want to know if they SHOULD, and WHICH expansions to get, nothing like that got addressed), 20% of the time talking down arena (one of the actually best ways to spend gold, specially for F2P), 20% talking about heroic tavern brawl ??? Like wtf, and then the last 20% talks about packs (again with zero information, on what to buy, how many, buying strategies, etc) and minisets which is one of the best ways to also spend gold (again, with 0 strategy and actually good information).

@BilalBentaher-zg7bb - 11.08.2024 06:27

How is this better than Yugi oh bro this game is not f20

@deckdude-lcup - 19.08.2024 20:29

I read it :)

@darkeblue - 31.08.2024 02:08

I see you are not a quitter. Sorry about the Tavish hero card.

@easyskills4210 - 11.09.2024 14:54

Still have 15k Gold, this didnt help me xd

@AlryFireBlade - 13.09.2024 14:16

I miss the solo adventures. It was the best hs had to offer for me. So sad they seemed to ignore it.

@AlryFireBlade - 13.09.2024 14:20

Saying adventures are bad deal while ignooring the fun and work is disgusting from you. Its the same like people like me do with games like roblos. Its bad because I dont like it. It hurts to say, but it doesnt make it bad.

@lordosis5650 - 04.10.2024 17:34

Buy card backs instead.

@1ben10234 - 08.10.2024 05:41

Ahem ahem you can get to 2 losses in arena and let your ticket expire, you will get the rewards and a new ticket. Also if any legendary cards might get nerfed in a mini set you can get 1.6 k for dusting it.

@meowlnir123 - 19.10.2024 16:14


@curtsuplex6855 - 20.11.2024 07:10

I find it really disingenuous to say (paraphrasing) 'When I started playing arena it was really tough.... I averaged 3-4 wins''. Dude...those are numbers you hit when you get the hang of the game in the early stages. Get over yourself, we're not buying that.

@harrisonzhu3300 - 11.01.2025 19:15

Fyi arena averages at the top of the leaderboard are well above 7

@dexxfa7274 - 03.02.2025 12:30

Still don’t know what to buy now.

@ahyin9567 - 21.02.2025 13:41


@averydistinctusername - 02.03.2025 23:58

I’m honestly so sad this guy stopped posting, such high quality content and good vibes
