#store #inside #hobby #retail #black #lotus #power #mox #sapphire #selling #warhammer #bolt_action #where #tabletop #dungeons #dragons #battlefield #terrain #wargaming #wargamer #girl #naomiКомментарии:
how much for the lotus
ОтветитьWould love to make a trip just to see the store. Curious, are there play groups for 40k/Sigmar that would be willing to play when things open back up?
ОтветитьNo Star Wars Legion? :_(
ОтветитьThis is undoubtedly a place of power. I can feel the energy eminating through this video. If I happened upon this store without knowing anything about it, I would think I was dreaming. We have nothing like this where I'm from.
ОтветитьIt would be fun to see a truthful (hard truth) of starting a game store - issues you had, how much start-up you put in to it, how much the store grosses monthly; issues you normally have and how you deal with them for those of us who dream of starting a retail but don't know what it entails.
ОтветитьI am in love with this place!🤩
ОтветитьI want to go over there and buy 3k us worth of items
ОтветитьOkay, I should have watched this earlier. I had NO IDEA that you actually ran a retail hobby store and I am saddened that you do not have an online service since it is a long drive to Newfoundland from Ontario and an even longer walk since I currently have no car. If I ever find myself out that way, which some day I hope to so that I can visit my Grandfather's grave, I will definitely pay the store a personal visit and make a few purchases.
I also want to extend a big virtual hug to you for stating "CODICES", the proper English Plural of "CODEX" rather than using GW's "Codexes"... sad that they are British and cannot speak English properly.
OKAY, OMG! How do I get the Battle Boxes for "Wake The Dead", "Assassinorum Execution Force", and "Urban Conquest" from you? I missed out when they were offered and now they are OOP and I want, I want, I so desperately want...
I would also love to grab that Craftworld's APOCALYPSE Boxed Set from you and that Warhammer Counter Set. You have so many hidden gems, I must come up with an insane amount of money to buy from you to support my Canadian suppliers. Oh, and Skaven Battleforce, Stormcast Eternal (aka Sig-Marines) Battleforce, and the Apocalypse stuff, uhg... why, Naomi, WHYYYYY?!
I do not mind the new "white" Citadel boxes because I am a horrendous hoarder when it comes to my Warhammer hobbies and I cannot part with packaging easily but the white boxes are so generic that it is easy to dispose of them by way of turning them into terrain and such things (I do a LOT of paper modeling).
I am an avid collector and you have so much to offer. I MUST make time to visit and before that I MUST find a way to relieve your shelves of some of your lovely treasures.
Thank-you for this tour.
It literally doesn’t matter how good or wholesome a video is... it still gets a minimum 6 dislikes.
ОтветитьIt’s nice to see someone outside since I can’t go outside.
ОтветитьYou and your shop looks soo cool, why oh why does it have to be in Canada 🙈
Ответитьyoure store is awesome.
ОтветитьNaomi is the best. So lovely and kind. The disney princess of warhammer.
ОтветитьMan you guys have a killer assortment . WIsh I had a shop like that by me! Love Flames of War :)
ОтветитьWait...... yall have a store? online? thats awesome! Support local businesses I always say.... not that yalls local to ME per se, but still... ya know what I mean.
ОтветитьMother of God y'all have so much stuff! I love it.
ОтветитьWow this is super impressive! I cant even imagine how difficult and probably expensive it is to get all that product stocked, really wish I could shop there :( i really really hope you do well in the future!
ОтветитьBeta Black Lotus if u want 28k u should get it graded
ОтветитьGerman versions of the UHU universal glue ? Or did you just face the german language side upwards :) ? Anyway, I am honoured ! Like many other commenters I would also gladly have shopped at your store, but the atlantic ocean, unfortunately, thought otherwise.
ОтветитьWhere is your store located? City State?
ОтветитьYou say we are you married? or is it family run. Your store looks amazing!
ОтветитьWill you carry Battletech or Mechwarrior products?
ОтветитьVery nice store. Much better than anything near me. The closest I'll ever be to the coast of labrador is my mutt, though. I wish you customers and success, though.
ОтветитьAww no more Mantic, but kings of war 😭.
ОтветитьOne of your shelves equals my local 40k sections. Definitely set up an online store!
ОтветитьYour store is better stocked and organized than the three local stores I go to combined.
ОтветитьOmg, your MTG section is amazing.
ОтветитьYou have your own store!! That explains a lot! I look forwards to buying some stuff online! :)
Ответитьhey Naomi! I'm a beginner in the hobby and I already have some Warcry but I would love to start WH40K too, I live in the US, are you able to send the items? I want to support and buy from your store! thank youuuuu
ОтветитьWow! It's so perfect 😍
ОтветитьWhen one of you're sad little section has more than my local store normally has before covid. 😐
ОтветитьLooks like I need to plan a trip once everything has cooled down .
ОтветитьI really apreciate all the work you put in your videos and they are great to keep me sane in this dark times.
As someone that never has seen 40k stuff in my country this is really mind blowing, so much stuff fron Games Workshop and others companies that I didn´t even knew they existed! Good luck with the sales and I hope everything returns to normal over there sooner than later.
why im not canadian ? :'(
Ответитьif only CAN to US shipping wasnt atrocious
ОтветитьNo XOLK products? Very disappointed.
ОтветитьDamn, you've got everything! Shame your over in the USA.
ОтветитьI see you even sell my favourite of temptations bars "Bounty's " a must for dedicated painters unable to get out for a Double Cheese Burger and fatty steak Chips - now wish I was in Canada , I'd be constantly in your shop. Cheers Naomi.
ОтветитьI may once I get pay checks again see about ordering from you, I am out of work due to covid now myself
ОтветитьWish I had a store like this where I live. There's a Games Workshop store like 45 min away but I swear it looks like your store has way more than them!
ОтветитьSo how's your retail business doing nowadays? A lot of local places went bankrupt over the last year in here unfortunately.
ОтветитьI wish this store was near me😭
ОтветитьWow, didn't know your shop was that extensive, awesome!
ОтветитьIt sucks about all the government overreach your having to deal with. Not right to take a person's way of making a living from them. Best to y'all from Kentucky.
ОтветитьOh my gosh that Yamato model is cool cause things made from China have I mean the region have a certain conspicuousness but I still think it's just a big ship and had glammor to it was made up to be much more that it was it was a fable essentially they did something and someone spoke things about it. But most don't do anything well about anything say but do not do I found that out the hard way and it pretty much sums up all the mysterious about well men and lots of things which is yeah they spoke but they didnt do anything
ОтветитьJesus Christ, this is the fantasy of a game store you always had in your mind but the real world would never live up to.
ОтветитьDo the same Video in a slingshot bikini
ОтветитьHello from Switzerland Lady 🪶Naomi 🐇!!
do you ship things here ???
Well ,that Black Lotus would be a nice item to add to my Magic Collection …..
happy wargaming 🎲🎲