Family, friends murdered teen from San Carlos Apache tribe

Family, friends murdered teen from San Carlos Apache tribe

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@bonnielee7134 - 17.03.2025 03:28

The title makes it seem like a family member or friend killed her! 😡

@Hobblone-xe3jv - 16.03.2025 23:45

No male children ever killed?? WOW!😱

@williamg1991 - 16.03.2025 19:20

Lets report this channel for misleading title

@Sleepy_Sloth87 - 16.03.2025 19:05

Such a misleading headline yall should be ashamed….false reporting for clicks disgusting

@Freejessicafromkids - 16.03.2025 17:02

This is the stories we tell our children what could happen if they run away 😢 i was told this could happen to me when i was a kid in the 90s

@tonychapa3330 - 16.03.2025 16:18

If they love their granddaughter so much what was she doing in a foster care all the Indians care about is liquor

@Christopher-iv9yy - 16.03.2025 15:32

She must not have been Native American enough for them.

@Bear001LeeCocoBear - 16.03.2025 15:12

Rest For Now Little One ♥️ and there another missing for another group home here phx az the other day.

@kristennoelle9447 - 16.03.2025 15:06

Family and friends murdered her???!!! Trying to work out your title is mind numbing 😏

@owsowmuskwanaistus9213 - 16.03.2025 09:49

it doesnt matter the questions down below know body has the right to take a life ,and we should have justice for all r.i.p emily cross the river to our ancestors .

@DigitalGhostWarrior - 16.03.2025 09:39

why do they delete their own girls?

@yolandaaguilera1513 - 16.03.2025 09:31

My prayers go out to her family, I'm just wondering y she was in a group home n not wit her family so thy could have kept her safe we I first saw the post on nextdoor app I started looking for wen I would take my son to school n then find out she was found the way she was hurt my heart to know someone could be so cruel n evil to do this to anyone so sad 😢😢😢 noone is safe in this world

@luzlopez776 - 16.03.2025 08:01

Makes me wonder who is not paying enough attention in these group homes

@luzlopez776 - 16.03.2025 08:00

Its so sad..🙏🙏🙏

@topflight6024 - 16.03.2025 07:55

$75K, whoaa yeah, someone will say something now !

@kae23232 - 16.03.2025 07:42

Rest In Peace Emily ❤

@dereklogan2962 - 16.03.2025 07:38

Rip Emily pike
