I wanted to share this sketchbook tour now because I feel it represents my current mindset regarding art- make art first, worry later whether it is good art or not (and to be clear that is whether it is good art in MY eyes). Maybe one day I will slow down and be more considerate in how I make art- but I love the energy I feel when I work fast, and jump around. I share this to encourage others in their sketchbook habits and projects. In this sketchbook, I mostly drew on scene and from life, so I knew the sketches were going to be fast and loose. I am all about scrappy sketchbooks where you get to work things out, but hey, I also sometimes like a highly detailed themed sketchbook. It was good to look through this one and to remind myself of the pleasures of a good brush pen. I hope wherever you are you are enjoying your art.
#sketchbook_tour #sketchbooks #brush_pen #sketchbook_artiast #urbansketching #loose_drawing #sketchbook_ideas #quick_sketches