The (Weird) Decline of Brookstone | Home of the Odd | History in the Dark

The (Weird) Decline of Brookstone | Home of the Odd | History in the Dark

History in the Dark

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@nevermind-he8ni - 10.02.2025 11:03

It was overpriced stuff no one needed. Pinnacle of Consumerism.

@SerpentNight - 02.02.2025 20:43

We've never had a Brookstone store where I live but there was a kiosk for a time.

@mrletsplayit - 29.01.2025 00:46

I was always a Sharper Image kind of guy

@paulbreitbard2569 - 06.01.2025 08:23

Worked for many years love the place took a dive when the economy did right after 911

@kf1412 - 27.12.2024 21:35

Brookstone was my first retail job i took to use the discount for the holiday season. Yeah, they actually made money hiring me cause i bought up everything i could with that employee discount 😅

@b33zNet - 02.12.2024 03:19

"Koisk" lmfao!!😂😂

@annenelson5656 - 30.11.2024 14:09

Fun, informative video. You’re hysterical dude! 😂🤣

@TheCRTman - 29.11.2024 19:04

Awesome video. Can you do Mervyns?

@retrobostoys - 23.11.2024 12:06

From my experience shopping at Brookstone in the early 2000’s I think Skymall was a very similar Store% they just didn’t have a retail side… very similar products I’d say Skymall actually had more of a selection

@peachy_lili - 16.11.2024 17:35

Brookstone was the start of consumerism being a middle class dream, imo. Nothing in there could my family ever afford, but you walked in and wandered around for the fantasy of being able to afford a bunch of random, unnecessary "luxury" crap. Timeless

@Eternally_Sardonic - 14.11.2024 14:37

It's cool someone helped you with "kiosk."
Can we work on "niche" next? 😂

I'm really liking your videos. 👍

@jesuszamora6949 - 07.11.2024 00:49

You know, I almost wanna go to Miami International Airport just to see if there's a Brookstone there...

@churchofmarcus - 04.11.2024 02:34

I loved going in this place when I was a kid.

@j_hi - 01.11.2024 19:07

NGL, I don't travel but I want that carry-on bag

@anthonyruby2668 - 22.10.2024 21:04

FULL CIRCLE!!! I always saw Brookstone as a gift shop at an airport where a businessman would go to buy something to appease his wife & children

@rwdplz1 - 17.10.2024 04:07

Still have a Brookstone Foot Spa, always wanted one of the massage chairs.

@DGTelevsionNetwork - 10.10.2024 04:38

I didn't even know they had brick and mortar storefronts, i always thought it was one of those niche brand things you'd find in a Target or some hipster shop.

@CyrusChennault - 10.10.2024 00:43

Ah, yes. The KOISKS 😂🤣😂

@simonfea2 - 08.10.2024 07:50

My husband pronounced Vienna sausages as Vie-ee-nee. Yes. Its true and still makes me laugh at his adorable sillyness.

@laraoneal7284 - 06.10.2024 05:10

I used to love this store and Sharper Image.

@BaalWorship - 03.10.2024 13:57

Never say "kiosk" correctly again. Your pronunciation is infinitely better. It's only one syllable and all the banger words are one syllable. Monosyllabic is best syllabic. That's a fact. Here's another one: The word "kiosk" is derived from the Turkish word "köşk" which (you can maybe guess just by looking at it) is ALSO only one syllable and sounds a hell of a lot closer to your pronunciation than the "correct" one. At least according to Google Translate.

@5chmatz - 02.10.2024 16:34

I worked at Brookstone for about a year in a mall in New Jersey. 90% of items bought here were returned. Only about 10% were items that were eligible to return to the factory. Everything else that got returned had to be “destroyed” I have fond memories of getting to leave the sales floor to go down to the dumpsters and smash foot massagers with a hammer

@nauxjuan - 01.10.2024 07:30

Place was essentially "Duller Image"

@GuyEndore - 30.09.2024 14:58

Yeah getting bought by the communist is always a great move. It’s not the same company.

@savannah115 - 29.09.2024 07:47

How have I spent the last 39 years secure in the knowledge that Brookstone was solely a luggage store and Sharper Image was solely an electronics store? 😂

@jaydennguyen-xk1yo - 28.09.2024 10:01

I got a $40 muscle gun from this brand at walmart and i dont really have another muscle gun to compare it with but it feels like its worth $150 just putting it out there i literally searched the brand up because i was mesmerized

@cupcakeluvztwinkies3808 - 28.09.2024 02:42

I would walk into a brookstone, play with the kinetic sand and leave.

@Legolas1717 - 27.09.2024 18:58

Your voice is quite harsh when you raise it. Don't know if it's the mic or something else you can alter a bit.

@TheAngryKilljoy - 27.09.2024 17:46

I always thought Brookstone was just an overpriced home store so I never bothered to shop there. Maybe they needed better marketing.

@theSuper777 - 27.09.2024 02:22

Oh wow. I work for one the bigger retailers at the Nashville airport, and one of the stores we run is Brookstone. I always thought Brookstone was just an overpriced obscure electronics store only in airports

@ReiRidingSolo - 26.09.2024 18:40

I had NO clue these existed outside of airports!!!

@GOTL8_2.0 - 26.09.2024 17:53

Kiosks 😂 If I heard that, I’d be too passive to correct ya. Just let chaos continue passing by…

@effers6854 - 26.09.2024 16:28

Brookstone was the best last minute gift for Dad place

@TripleVortex - 26.09.2024 11:13

I love your videos. If there is any chance you might consider not shouting / speaking in a calm voice, I think it could be a great change.

@dutchesswb - 26.09.2024 06:00

You mean the place you ended up at 30m before the mall closed the Saturday before father's day? I'm at full attention 😂😂

@Bunny-ch2ul - 26.09.2024 01:26

LOL. I always though they were a cheap knockoff of Sharper Image.

@ThtOtherJess - 25.09.2024 18:11

Brookstone was where you went when you needed a "unique" gift for someone for like 50- 100$

@WITTS313BOSS - 25.09.2024 04:50

Saying you lived in the rich part of town without saying it.........never saw this store at any malls that I went to in Michigan

@MazChuga - 25.09.2024 04:15

My best friend and I worked at a Brookstone when we were in high school in the late 90s. Popular sellers were the hammocks, tempur pedic beds and pillows, electronic BBQ fork, and the nose hair trimmers. We never washed the sheets on that bed. People would try the nose hair trimmer that we also never cleaned. The best days were during the week when it was slow, and we could just swing in the hammock set we had on the store. The worst days were the holidays because people would have a million questions about crap.

The target customer back then was people making $60k and over, if I remember correctly.

Oh, and people thought that the lifetime guarantee meant their lifetime, so people would return 20 year old hammocks that had rusted. We would exchange for them, but had to explain the guarantee was the lifetime of the product whatever that means, lol.

@tyblood87 - 24.09.2024 15:43

I was more of a sharper image guy

@outpostcheerfuloyster - 24.09.2024 07:19

The theme was luxury, but without gold trim. Comfort technology. Air purifiers, humidifiers, massage chairs, and maybe a swiss knife to make you feel snazzy.

@chris2746 - 24.09.2024 01:55

Was basically just a high-end gift store for wealthy people to get gifts for other wealthy (but not like super rich) people. Basically if you wanted to give a gift that showed it cost a lot you got from there.

@SarahhJean - 24.09.2024 01:53

In 2009 I bought a shiatsu back massager from Brookstone for $80. I still use it to this day. It’s the best!

@kazumahazeuzumaki - 23.09.2024 09:42

Don't feel bad about mispronouncing Kiosk. Everyone has at least one word they consistently get wrong. Personally, I mispronounce Homage all the time, as O-Maj. Instead of, you know, Homage lol.

@musicinthewildwood - 22.09.2024 05:01

I remember Brookstone, but when the catalog subject came up I immediately thought of Hammacher Schlemmer, talk about overpriced, but we still get the catalog that my dad used to get years ago anyway! I think I may have bought something from them once, you know, something not too ridiculously extravagantly priced. There's another business for you to look into, I know that it's German (what else) but not really much else. I'll have to keep checking in to see if you thought it was a good idea! 😁

@VanessaLoveCounselor - 20.09.2024 22:00

Brookstone had been in Mohegan Sun in CT. It looked like it closed recently.

@nicksGLI - 20.09.2024 06:05

So, an extra fancy Sharper Image?

@Mayhem_Inc - 19.09.2024 21:03

I think Brookstone is the store I first saw a memory foam mattress YEARS ago

@jamigoddess - 19.09.2024 20:16

All this stuff can be found hoarded in the garages of boomers in every American city and town
