How to become a Systems Administrator - Things you Need to Know

How to become a Systems Administrator - Things you Need to Know

Tech With Emilio

3 года назад

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@govindraj1092 - 19.09.2021 15:58

Awesome Good information 👌👌👌👏👏👏Thanks for your video

@ahirnimesh09 - 20.09.2021 06:35

thanks for the video 😊

@thelearner761 - 25.12.2021 17:25

We can hear this like watching a thriller movie; but entering into the real world and doing day to day stuffs is the nightmare 😊😎

@FrankV20 - 30.12.2021 09:42

Thank you for this. I’ve been a Tier 1 tech for about 6 months and i’m now trying to move up to a Sys Admin position. I’ve had imposter syndrome since I got hired, but I’m starting to feel a little more confident in my knowledge. I’m a little comfortable with AD and have (very) basic networking knowledge, though it is my goal to learn a lot more. I’m hoping to move up within another half year. I’m sure your tips will help me greatly.

@Kinos141 - 14.07.2022 00:19

This is a good video. That's a lot of good info on what to know to become a sys admin.

@thithuytran1184 - 28.10.2022 08:37

Hay quá

@rajindakodikara3471 - 01.12.2022 00:55

valuable content rarely found on you tube.... keep up the good work...!!

@marie-louiseb - 05.04.2023 15:03

I'm currently working as a technical support Tier 1, looking forward to become a system administrator by next year. Thank you for the tips

@Nejtak853 - 02.09.2024 01:05

Not once do you mention programming… isn’t it a huge advantage to know it in this field?

@TechWithEmilio - 28.09.2021 01:28

So what job do you have now? Are you already a sys admin, or looking to become one?
