Trading Post Explained New World - How To Buy And Sell Items With Trading Post - How To Check Offers

Trading Post Explained New World - How To Buy And Sell Items With Trading Post - How To Check Offers

Ordinary Sense

3 года назад

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@littledroid5753 - 02.10.2021 18:57

but what means bound to player? it can not be sold

@felipeduarte1997 - 02.10.2021 22:11

Where do expired items go? and how do you recieve your money?

@efraindejong5649 - 03.10.2021 03:17

Does the gold you make just go in your inventory or do you get it instant?

@rebelthreefiftyseven6739 - 18.10.2021 20:36

okay you sold that gem, how do you get you gold for it. I did not see a button to collect it.

@ericguinyaoan656 - 23.10.2021 20:10

Goodevning sir do you know how retrive my item if expired

@iq400_ - 24.10.2021 02:46

hi , how can we sell for current buy orders? i saw someone put high price on current buy orders , but i can't sell to those order straight away?

@Luc3ntiX - 26.10.2021 11:51

I don't get why people sell amounts at prices that will make them lose money on the trading post, don't they read that sentence before posting the item? plain dumb people playing this game or what? this does happen more on us servers, no surprise there.

@roguetrooper7199 - 21.11.2021 23:52

yet again some one talking about trading in other games not new world ..... we are playing new world not wow , or sky rim or any other shit game

@Vengeur93 - 29.01.2022 01:50

can you sort by specific attribute like for example how do i find focus amulet or ring?

@glazyfn4072 - 09.04.2022 15:26

it says i need 3 hours playtime but i got like 6 hours help please

@kxo5988 - 16.05.2022 19:07

Z2u delivery fast

@bobbyh177 - 29.11.2022 05:43

what does the 40 items are being hidden mean?

@wastelandwarr1or - 14.10.2023 02:48

the buy orders that you put up where do they go?

@driller1787 - 04.10.2021 00:33

good info, but you forgot to mention listing duration affects listing fee cost also
