There are many different types of digital weight indicators available today. And in today's video, we're going to take a look at a couple of different types of the popular choices that we recommend.
For basic weighing applications, most customers tend to look at really simple digital weight indicators. These typically have either a plastic enclosure or painted steel and four or five buttons on the front of the instrument. For example, the Transcell Technology TI-500E is a very popular choice for simple weighing. The price for this basic entry level digital weight indicator is around $235 and it will provide basic weight readings in a simple to use interface.
If you're looking for something a little bit more advanced, we have various types of weight indicators which feature a stainless steel enclosure. These indicators also have other popular options such as full numeric keypads, battery power and analog output.
The Rice Lake 480+ is a good example to consider. It has a full numeric keypad and a stainless steel enclosure and is priced in the $800 range at the time of this video. For some comparison, if you're looking for pretty much every possible feature and a programmable weight indicator. There's the Rice Lake 1280 which is priced at over $3000 and includes pretty much all the bells whistles you could possibly come up with for a digital weight indicator.
So which weight indicator should you choose? We suggest that you talk with your scale company and discuss what applications that you need to have with your scales and what features you need and then you can decide what's the best choice for your particular situation. Some companies use the TI-500E scale display and it works very well for what they do. Other companies really like using the 480+ on their scales. Most companies tend to utilize a mix of basic and stainless steel indicators.
I hope this video helped you out. If you liked it, please take a moment and hit that like button below and hey, be sure to check out all our scale controllers that we offer by visiting our website. Thanks for watching.
00:00 Introduction
00:13 Basic Scale Display
00:36 Stainless Steel Weight Display
01:00 Advanced Programmable Scale Controller
01:16 Which scale readout should you choose?
01:40 Conclusion
#digital_weight_indicator #scale_controller #weight_scale_meter #scale_display #weight_indicator