The process for BLEACHING my HAIR! Packed with bleach education and the TONER... (hairstylist)

The process for BLEACHING my HAIR! Packed with bleach education and the TONER... (hairstylist)

The World Of Craig

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@debpalm8667 - 16.07.2024 22:25

He's back! Thanks.

@VeronicaSchneider305 - 17.07.2024 00:31

You always put me in such a great mood, Craig! Great tips!

@clipinqueen - 17.07.2024 04:24

OMG, finally a professional who admits to keeping the bleach on longer than 30 mins! LOL. I never understood why people think it's okay to bleach three times for 20 mins rather than just use a lower volume developer for over an hour? The only time my hair ever broke off was when I tried to use 40 volume on my hair (for short time). Thanks so much for your expertise and bright personality.

@jenxsj3902 - 17.07.2024 19:03

I love when I am a level 10 white gold blond, baby blond or albino blond. I don’t like this ash trend.

@pattystovall614 - 27.07.2024 00:15

I love you ❤️ Great I’m into color too Thank You So Much lm going to Watch more then Once too🥰

@noname-fr1ld - 28.07.2024 05:58

Can i use k18 hair oil?

@purrfectstormz8225 - 30.07.2024 00:47

You are the bees knees, and I am so very happy you popped up! It's so hard to bleach and tone my hair myself, but I'm a poor now, and at 53, I simply refuse to let things fall apart. My Gram had hair done, lipstick, and earrings on every day well into her 90s, and I aspire to follow her example.
There is so much more information about hair color accessible to the common man than in the past, which is lovely. However, it's hard to sift through personalities, hidden agendas, mountains of product, and other shenanigans to just find the best guidelines to shop for what I need on a budget. I am going to go against what I have been doing and try this low and long process and hope that it gives the desired end result! My hair is tricky because I have equal parts of grey and brown and the grey just wants to hold on to that brass like its solid gold!
One question- Will putting Olaplex 3 in my hair the way you used the K18 be helpful? I am unfamiliar with Redken.

@viniciustenorio9767 - 30.07.2024 04:07

I only have 40 volume with me at the moment, is it worth buying a 20 volume from another brand? I can't buy the same brand at the moment 😢😢 Or is it possible to use the 40 volume with the proportion you indicated?

@rosennethomson - 18.08.2024 20:52

Ok my first mistake not enough product 😕

@aoralex - 22.08.2024 01:56

My scalp's become pretty dry since I started bleaching my hair. Is this fixable?😢

@mickandjulie2405 - 25.08.2024 12:30

Thank you for saying ok to longer processing time. My Daughter n I throw red. Level 5 or 6, have foils. Daughter has hazel eyes, me , greenish. They get to level 8 Orange yellow then try to tone it. Doesn't work. We go yellow orange very fast especially the daughter. Thank you for your help.

@supersaabclaire - 04.09.2024 15:45

Craig, I just love your videos!!
So very helpful and informative and you are just a joy to watch 😊
I've just been for an interview at a hair salon and I'm buzzing, I really hope I get the position 🤞
But I'm back home and straight back into watching your videos over my lunch 😊

@mckriz6934 - 11.09.2024 18:21

Incubation on roots retouch with haircap is @theworldifcraig approve? I've been doing my own compromised bleach hair every 3/4 weeks. I've learned tons of good tips from you, and now my hair is getting better or should I say, I'm well educated by the best, you! ☺😘

@samcooper6115 - 18.09.2024 15:10

Learning all the time from this channel thank you Craig007

@tina.liberti - 30.09.2024 23:49

Thank you for this invaluable information! I'm wanting to bleach my own hair at home and I have the Wella bleach, not the plex, just the regular powder. Anyways, I see you used Redken toner. Is there a reason you use that over the Wella toners? Wella toners aren't labeled like Redken, so it's a bit confusing. They don't say N or P or V in the names. They have like T18 and T11 and I'm thinking of using 1 or 2 of these together. But how do I know the ratios of V and P and N?
Thank you in advance for any advice you could give!

@jenxsj3902 - 03.10.2024 11:45

1 hour and 40 minutes? My hair goes from a level 5 to a level 10 in 40 minutes. 20V one application.

@TopazFarmerTravels - 12.10.2024 02:02

Listening/Watching your videos makes me want to go to school to become a Hair Care Specialist like You 🤩🥰😁

@nataliatarasevich8862 - 24.10.2024 08:05

Just discovered your channel! Thank you! Very informative , so many tips and tricks, love it👏🏻

@michelleharrison9458 - 29.10.2024 18:27

is there a technique to bleaching a buzz cut without leaving dark spots. I struggle to get adequate saturation near the roots on anything longer than a 1.5 grade. I try to swirl it down and through the hair with a stiff bristle tint brush. Combing it through just scrapes the bleach off

@Renee_egan - 17.11.2024 06:02

OMG kenergy 😂😂😂 love it!

I’ve never tried the blondor granules , very interesting! I may have to, im due to re-up my bleach. I use blondme and it’s good, but I’m hour blown away I guess, mind you; I’ve yet to use it with their own dev which I heart does actually make a difference and is not JUST marketing hype
Have you used the blondme And if you have, does it really make a difference if its used with a brands dedicated Dev (which ever brand it may be, regardless of blondme)?
And thank you for showing the processing time you do yourself! Mg eyes are like blue -ish to grey and apparently my pigment is stubborn 😂 I was originally doing 2 rounds of 40-45 but the double shampoos x2, drying x2... Too aggravating on freshly bleached hair.... I almost think that is the harder part on my own hair (maybe because its literally ago the way down my back so hella lot, and hella knotted 😂)

@theworldofcraig - 16.07.2024 22:03

Hey folks, thanks for watching! What’s your biggest BLEACHING top TIP in the video…? 👨🏼🙌🏻✨
