nice 👍
Ответить2025 February still
ОтветитьAny one remember the old Bionicle commercial with this song lmao
ОтветитьRemeber the boinicle comercial
Ответить2025 Christ is king Lego movie bionicals
ОтветитьThis stopped my tears as a kid and now it's making me tear up as an adult. I'm thankful I grew up to songs like this.
Ответитьat least they scored one touchdown lol
ОтветитьHear me out
Ответить2025 February?
Ответить2025 still jamming to this EPIC song!!! This is my morning pick me up! 💛❤💛❤💛❤
ОтветитьFebruary 24,2025❤❤❤
ОтветитьMy eighth grade crush was obsessed with this band so I made myself listen to it to be able to listen with her and know the music and I ended up liking them myself lol, also i ended up asking her out and we were "boyfriend and girlfriend" for about 9 days lmao before she broke up with me at a party. tough times, eh? lol.
Ответитьwe going on a quest for ignika with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Ответитьthank you
ОтветитьWho’s 2026?
Ответитьim 15 and i just found this song
ОтветитьI had no idea Cillian Murphy was in a pop-punk band…
ОтветитьI loved you in 28 Days Later
ОтветитьSo real if I was Travis barker I’d be so ashamed of Alabama
Ответитьthe person who edited this video probably hates this song xD
ОтветитьDiva Search, Bionicle, and other ads loved this song in 2006
ОтветитьHow do they get this camera effect? Like what camera do u have to use to make it look like this? 00's feel
Ответитьas a kid this was the bionicles song because i think it was in one of the shows or movies they made
ОтветитьSpecial time this song was.
ОтветитьWho's looking forward to seeing these guys at warp tour?
ОтветитьLove his voice! March 1st
ОтветитьI love the creative direction behind this video! 10/10!!
ОтветитьMow the lawn, mow the lawn like I told you to.
ОтветитьThank God the toa inika were there to save them from the Piraka 🙏
Ответить.. 😓 I have four teens, and I’m having a rough time moving along .. This song is just....
ОтветитьWhite people don’t make music like this anymore smh
ОтветитьBye bye bye .......... They're gone??? Cool
ОтветитьNew channel Tyson ......... Last one was hacked by creeps
Ответитьi first heard this song from bionicle. I know many did too, I miss that time
ОтветитьThought the song was called us vs them cause of the football part
Ответитьwhoever you are, you have fantastic taste in music!
ОтветитьMove you pretend high school boy
Ответить3/3/2025. you are loved, you are appreciated, you can change, you will achieve greatness <3
ОтветитьI love how the drummer guy is so into his job banging his head and them drums lol. I love this song for life though, good song❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьToo this day I will always think of She’s the Man when I hear this song😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьThis is the brilliant Broker Bridge Song by The All-American Rejects.
ОтветитьThis shit fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьI understand the song now that I'm older ☺☺
ОтветитьThe study where they said that beethovens 5th symphony kills 20% of cancer cells... what's this song do?
ОтветитьThis was a big deal 20 years ago. It feels so relatable now that I'm an adult