We made an affordable BMW E90 Angle Kit!

We made an affordable BMW E90 Angle Kit!

FDF Raceshop

4 месяца назад

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@SCOBra_PT - 08.11.2024 00:23

Bet u gonna sell a bunch of that mini mantis kits

@patrykkowalski6 - 08.11.2024 00:41

wish we could see how it works incar on the track while in drift and on the outside like how much angle compared to stock atleast

@SR20DEBT - 08.11.2024 00:48

PLEASE make one of these for e46's. I wanna buy my angle solution from a local company, and i dont want a full angle kit. But nobody locally makes a bolt on solution and it makes me sad.

@bigdfitness5020 - 08.11.2024 01:00

Hell yeah, finally more love for the E90 chassis. Thank you guys for putting out quality parts 🙏🏼

@suicidalsausage7116 - 08.11.2024 01:28

BRZ MINI KIT PLS. i know it’s been tested on a car 😢

@Brighton_Lal - 08.11.2024 04:32

328i dual caliper bracket

@TalkTime4 - 08.11.2024 04:44

Front lca subframe brace 👀 i was sick of tearing subfrsmes! i’d like a rear zero toe gain kit as these toe out under squat

@GuitarManiac64 - 08.11.2024 09:44

The setup is similar to an e39, which I would love a kit for. Or even better, I’d love to find out this kit could bolt up in its place….

@cesarortega6615 - 08.11.2024 14:04

Full knuckles using 350z wheel bearing with 350z brembo brakes or ctsv brakes

@driftergonewild - 08.11.2024 17:57

Very nice!

@georgef1176 - 10.11.2024 02:32

Great work. I love 135i it’s my next bmw

@GapDaddyBuilds - 10.11.2024 09:00

RX8 community wants some love too 😢

@CarShopTanoshi - 11.11.2024 07:45

So stoked you’re doing more parts for the E82. I LOVE my FDF kit on my 1J powered 135i, but this mini kit is perfect for the practice car we’re building ❤❤❤

@em2attic - 27.11.2024 09:17

A rear drop knuckle setup with built in dual caliper brackets for the E9x would be freakin awsome!

@Longtraveldreams - 04.12.2024 03:34

Would this be safe for a daily driver ???????

@navarox - 01.02.2025 06:48

I cant wait for this!! I realy hope that this wil finaly be the affordable angle solution for my e91.. 🎉🤞 bravo fdf your guys are the best!

@francismercier2340 - 03.02.2025 21:20

how many steering lock you have with this i got mine and i have around 720 steer lock 0_o

@KrumOner420 - 14.02.2025 07:37

will this fit an e92 with the f80 front knuckles?
