GFC 500 Digital Autopilot: In-flight Demo

GFC 500 Digital Autopilot: In-flight Demo


6 лет назад

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@brax2364 - 11.11.2023 15:36

Great that Michael does this and does that but no actual info on HOW Michael does all that wonderful stuff. Total waste of time.

@MrTomcat320 - 01.08.2023 19:47

Can't believe that a big company like GARMIN is doing such a poor video showing mostly people talking instead of showing the AP and the panel.

@SuperEddietv - 31.12.2021 03:40

WOW! I saw absolutely nothing. eesh...........

@avianant6029 - 21.09.2021 00:19

This was a great video!

@keithsivertson4328 - 06.09.2020 20:06

Flying the ILS 26 at KTWF my GTN 750/GFC 500 tracks the dme arc perfectly. Approaching the arc localizer intersection the gtn auto switches to the localzer but the gfc 500 auto switches to pitch and roll. So you don’t turn and fly by the localizer.I can’t figure out why. Nearing the inbound turn I have to switch to heading mode, steer to intercept the localizer and then switch to nav and the gtn/gfc flies it perfectly. What’s up Garmin? G5x2, GTN 750, GFC 500, GTX 345 in a Cessna TU206G.

@asarangan - 22.04.2020 16:59

This would have been a more useful video if it had showed more of the instrument panel and the autopilot keys instead of the face of the person speaking. It was nearly impossible to catch what keys were being pressed on the GFC500 and what the G5 was showing in response.

@jt1515 - 12.09.2019 03:44

I am sorry I got bored watching these two more than actual product...come on Garmin, you can afford a better/professional video of the product than this...

@PortCharlotteAlex - 19.05.2019 13:45

Would have loved shots of the actual auto pilot.

@cortdepeyster4757 - 07.04.2019 23:47

Why does the video focus on the
Narrator and not on the controls and functions ?
Pretty much worthless video because of this

@cleburne-dfwseptic6843 - 12.01.2019 05:51

poor quality video

@robpoulton5232 - 08.10.2018 21:19

Would have been better to focus this video more on the AP controller and G5 indicators, not on the people talking. Great product though.

@pipercomanche2506 - 03.10.2018 05:30

Get the STC for the Piper Comanche and I will give you my money. :-)

@ajborda - 02.10.2018 19:49

Jessica - will the GFC500 and the G5 work to full functionality with the IFD440 GPS? Thank you
