Grand Empress Shek'zeer

Grand Empress Shek'zeer


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@k01dsv - 28.08.2012 18:27

that's bullshit(: Dragon Soul GOT easy... so everyone could experience the content... it makes sense actually, why make content that only 5% of your playerbase will ever see? Cata was hardcore in the beginning, even the dungeons and the end bosses in all the raids was also a challenge, especially prenerf

@terjelunde1 - 28.08.2012 18:54

And pay attention to the health of the raid members, up and down constantly. Healers got a hard job here.

@timv232 - 28.08.2012 21:11

But DS was too easy too soon. It's one thing to nerf a raid over time so everyone can see it, it's another to hand out a freebie raid you can finish the 2nd week it's out. Raider finder DS should have been a LOT more difficult. They could have put a debuff on the difficult at a much faster rate so that after a month it was the same difficult as when it first came out. That'd atleast made people put it somewhat of an effort running it. Killing Deathwing the second week of DS was just stupid.

@gamarking12 - 28.08.2012 21:17

Why make LFR harder? Could you imagine just wiping over and over again with scrubs and ninja looters and such? With no actual raid leader? If anything normal should've been harder but then again, there IS the on/off debuff you can switch on. Making LFR more harder is stupid.

@Asinineconcepts - 28.08.2012 22:14

but it's what? Your just saying I'm retarded without rebutting my argument ad hominem at its best.

@Octa973 - 28.08.2012 22:28

I hate to break it to you, but it's it's.

@Mooncream117 - 28.08.2012 23:35

fail troll.

@CarrotAtHeart - 28.08.2012 23:44

Did you do heroic Spine? Blackhorn? Madness? Any of it on Heroic? DS wasn't easy.

@soryn305 - 29.08.2012 01:08

This actually looks like a ton of fun.

@wowledgend - 29.08.2012 01:13

I see for lfr's future in this. nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf super nerf. also rage quit. reque rage quit again.

@Ma1dere - 29.08.2012 03:56

Dont forget how easy was Yogg+0 /sarcasm.

@MegaDragonslayer1997 - 29.08.2012 06:04

Yeah I agree, people say that Cata is easy when it's actually really hard that's why Blizzard had to release a nerf since too many player were complaining way too much about how hard it was.

@Mooncream117 - 29.08.2012 09:52

go eat something fatty.

@k01dsv - 29.08.2012 18:52

well no raid finder shouldn't have been harder, normal mode and heroic shouldn't have been nerfed so soon, i agree with that. Eitherway i responded to a guy who said that the bulk of cata was too easy and easier than wotlk and my point was that he's wrong and that cata got a little bit easier along the way but in the beginning it was very engaging and challenging(: that's all=P but yea DS was a joke except prenerf

@TheBabis1111 - 29.08.2012 20:32

I wanted a more epic model for her.

@Spore6001 - 29.08.2012 21:37

Its kinda a shame that the final boss is another rehash of a previous model, in this case a high ranking Nerubian. Still, fight looks interesting.

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 09:17

huntards doing that much damage? i can see MOP is fail already.

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 19:11

I've been playing since Vanilla and I'd be willing to bet you have ZERO pre-nerf madness kills. Thanks for playing, terrabad =)

@Asinineconcepts - 30.08.2012 20:06

That's right remove the comment bitch out, who's my bitch you are.

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 20:40

What are you smoking baddie? How was that pre-nerf madness kill? Oh that's right, you're a baddie in a baddie guild, you don't have one =D

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 20:42

Owning you terrabads is amusing =) Keep it up chode, I have 4 more hours to kill here at work =D

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 20:45

The skilled players dont give a fuck about pvp. MMO has got it right, they're showing exactly what needs to be shown. Don't worry, you'll get your welfare epics soon enough, baddie =)

@Asinineconcepts - 30.08.2012 20:54

BITCH DID I SAY YOU TALK? remove this comment too

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 20:59

Don't be mad, kid. Maybe you'll get a pre-nerf kill someday although it's highly unlikely =) How's mom & dad's basement treating you? #ROFL

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 21:59

Are you lonely little boy? No one to talk to in mommy & daddy's basement? Maybe you should use this time to work on your pathetic grammar. #owned =)

@Asinineconcepts - 30.08.2012 22:27

Bitch did I say you could talk? Delete this comment bitch who's my bitch you are

@joeyhimen123 - 30.08.2012 22:44

You must really be bored with your life, little boy. You and I both know who's the bitch is, twerp =D

@dannygmzz - 31.08.2012 02:04

Think I'll go out of holy spec for this fight.. >.>

@timv232 - 31.08.2012 07:28

Because it was too easy and too rewarding too quickly. I don't mean make it killer hard. I understand that you can end up with bad healers/tanks/dps in LFR so it has to be balanced around that problem. But I rarely ever wiped in LFR and cleared DS easily the second week it was out. It just became free gear. It should have provided atleast a little more effort in the beginning.

@timv232 - 31.08.2012 07:31

Yeah cata dungeons were a bit too tough. It seemed the difficulty was gear more on healers too (or atleast they took the blame a lot when I ran). I still think raid finder was far too easy. Or maybe they could have gone two weeks with the first part and then brought out the second half? It just seemed too much too soon. You go from having to learn the raid to get to the last boss to just getting him handed to you in two weeks. That really killed the need to raid for me.

@staropramen478 - 24.09.2012 14:13

problem in cata was that there was 1 or 2 bosses every tier that was hard (after first tier). i mean fl was a joke. 5 bosses were pretty much like the first hc instances, baleroc pre nerf was abit hard and raggy was just a cockblock. same goes for DS where the first 6 werent much of a challenge then spine comes in and you get stuck at 6/8 hc all of the sudden. bosses should get harder the longer into the raid you get.

@Volsabor35 - 01.10.2012 11:48

I'm getting that healing mace!

@GeorgeChernoff - 26.10.2012 15:15

dragon soul is piece of soapy crap. I like MoP content so far.

@Asinineconcepts - 27.10.2012 02:33

Wasn't saying Dragon soul was hard or good content just that it was good compared to ToC by itself dragon soul was fucking terrible but that's just how bad ToC was....

@Kerrathlol - 31.10.2012 01:39

ToC was better than DS, but only because ToC only lasted a couple of months while DS drew out for a very long and painful time. At the very least, ToGC25 had a few challenging fights. DS had none at all. It was just 8 flashy tank and spanks with add phases.

@honnycorns1 - 01.11.2012 18:45

woa.... I suddently dont feel like healing this.

@Bigdipshit1 - 01.11.2012 20:57

I dont understand his math though, x1= 2 and x3=6. Should at least say like : 1 x 2, 3 x 2

@PHPH_SDK - 02.11.2012 01:34

Nerfed content doesn't count. DS was fairly difficult on hard mode when it first came out. Zon'ozz's ball was retarded, shipfight was a mess, and spine was...spine. ToC had one difficult fight: Anub. That was it. That said, they both were terrible raid tiers.

@Kerrathlol - 02.11.2012 07:24

no, DS was still easy pre-nerf.

@franses - 02.11.2012 12:58

I guess you got 8/8HC prenerf?

@Todkrieger - 04.11.2012 20:14

well it sure was good of you to equip your 397 gear again too.

@Kerrathlol - 05.11.2012 05:57

congratulations for missing the point entirely.

@damien2729 - 06.11.2012 04:13


@Asinineconcepts - 07.11.2012 05:17

COMPARE TO TOC guess DS was made for ppl with tunnel vision like you.

@freekout1 - 07.11.2012 13:30

way to cherry pick part of his post... ds was shit compared to t11 and t12 but compared to toc of course its perfection

@Asinineconcepts - 08.11.2012 01:32

COMPARED TO TOC it's okay they mostly likely made the easy content for ppl like you with tunnel vision.

@ConcaveCrowd - 08.11.2012 01:36

Talking about tunnel vision, only seeing the good stuff in the expansion you started playing in, and have done the other 80 raids in lvl 85/90

@hulla111 - 09.11.2012 01:44

My Saturday pug 25 man started full clearing Naxx 2 weeks after launch. Naxx was a joke, and TOC was awful.

@reg0ner - 11.11.2012 00:57

troll of century. gj!

@jjcoola998 - 13.12.2012 01:06

How hard was cata Hard modes compared to say ulduar? I missed cata cause I quit after getting Alone in the dark and algalon
