The Beautiful Beings of Gaia would like to thank Astral Atom for your service. We are forever grateful.
ОтветитьThank you universe for missed and Angels 🙏 amen 🙏❤❤❤❤ 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
ОтветитьI forgive all who have harmed me I wish only oneness in Divine Light of Divine Love to All
ОтветитьWoW! Like Poetic JUSTICE in the making.....🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
ОтветитьI say to you, Satan, and your diabolical minions: You have no power here. Be Gone! Saint Michael and The Angels are protecting me. Amen. 🙏
ОтветитьI AM K E SAY'S THE ONE CREATOR ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ОтветитьBeautiful fairies!🧚
ОтветитьA Bogami Niti Ovi Moji Arapski Šeici Očevi i UAE Zemalja kraljevi i Prinčevi Nisu Nit Malo nit trunčice fadofali za to što su mi učinili i stavili na prosinački štap Uništili ljudsko dostojanstvo.
ОтветитьA Bogami Nit Moji Sultani Of Morocco i Bogami Niti Kralj Of Morocco Muhamed 6 i ostali Šetijadi koji koji mi prijete smrću cijelu moj život koji su mi još više oduzeli sva moja prava pri rođenju kraljevske krvi i po nasljeđu od Kraljebime of Morocco.
ОтветитьOvo jest Bogami Velika LAŽ.Da im jest SVEMIR Vratio Koju Pravdu.
ОтветитьTo jest Bila Marijina Bogorodičina Sveta Zapovijed Kad me Posjetila prije 2 god skoro 3 god Kad jest počeo Rat u Ukrajini od Ruske Invazije Terorističke.Obučena ko prije 500 god u Mediju ukazanje Sv Ivanu Diegu.I Sv.Ivan Diego Jest sa Bogorodicom Marijom Došao Isto istovito kao i Prije 500 god koje došlo do preokretanja ljudske povijesti U Cijelom Svijetu.
ОтветитьReinkraniranom u ljudskom Obličju.Znači Stoga Bog Enki Jahve me ostavio Na Nemilost svim tim prokletnicima.A On Se Okrenuo Protiv Svog Oca Boga ANUA i Njegovog Brata Po Ocu ALALUA koji su imali vrhunski dvoboj na Nibiru.I kad jest ovaj drugom muško spolovilo odgrizao i progutao i otišao na zemlju pobjegao.
ОтветитьI opet se događa kao i prije 50 000 god Kad su Se ANUUNAKIJI Pobunili Jedna Protiv Drugih Tražeći tko će više od Njih Imati Svu Apsolutnu Moć.
ОтветитьKo Anuunakiji Kora Moći Vrhovništva i Vlasti koji su se nastanili na zemlji u Drevnoj Škotskoj Engleskoj Wellsu Irskoj.Kad jest Sehejla Mefesis Trijumfirala Zapravo To sam Ja Osobno.
ОтветитьThankYou God 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹✡️
ОтветитьAh da Zaboravih naglasiti da ču ja Osobno POBIJEDIT u ovoj fizičkoj borbi kao i uvijek.bit će krvi u potocima ko u Ruhandi Kibeho.I moji Ratnici koji će me obraniti i stati na moju stranu ponijeti Prokletstvo.Zmalu stoga Ja Osobno Me Bogu Bez Fizičke Borbe i sa Obračunom Vatrenim Oružjem.Ph pa da ja Osobno Sam Kraljica Ratnica.
ОтветитьCijeli svoj život se borim protiv prokletstva fizički.Od svoje 4 god i najviše od 6 i pol god svog života protjerali pod prijetnjom smrću iz Kraljevine of Morocco u 3 h u noći Muzeja bne noći.Ua Zagreb Croatia kod Moje Rodbine tako cijeli svojih 45 punih god u 7 mjeseci početkom ču napunit Cijeli svoj život se borim protiv prokletstva.
ОтветитьI kako sam vidjela u svojim Proroštvima Dar od Duha Svetoga Kreatora Svih Bića u Zviježđu Svemira.Da Će Me Prvenstveno Pladijci sa Zviježđa Venete Spašavati Nego Moji Anuunaki i svih Zviježđa PLADIJE.Humonoida koji stalno Viđam kroz svoj vijek život i koji su me Posjećivali Stalno Ovdje gdje sad Živim u Sesvetama Croatia i koji su me prije 2 god posjetili
ОтветитьIzgleda da sam nekom jako bitna u Cijelom Zviježđu Svemira Kad Me Se Toliko Trude Ostavljati Živom i Zdravom Ma Ovozemaljskom Životu.
ОтветитьBog Enki Jahve me ne može ubit i uništit Netko Jači i Žešći Tko Ima Veću Vlast U Cijelom Zviježđu Svemira od Njega Čuva i Štiti.A Tko Jest To Da Me Tako Čuva i Štiti i od samog Boga Enkija Jahve koji jest Postao Još Milijun Puta Gori Od Svoga Brata Po Ocu Enlila Alaha svog brace.
ОтветитьThank you universe for your protection snd pure security everday around us all ❤
ОтветитьYes, the chosen one has the power of the most high God in heaven. Amen 👏
ОтветитьYes, God is protecting the chosen ones from his enemies and evil people in his life with God. Amen 👏
ОтветитьI love this amazing video in this beautiful reading. 📚
ОтветитьStop curcing ....
ОтветитьNo please stop curcing... He's my son...he did what they said y curcing ???
ОтветитьLove is life
ОтветитьLet go. Let GOD. I do not trouble myself with revenge. We each earn our due for good or ill. Pray for those as they learn. We've been there too.
ОтветитьThey gain so much joy & pleasure slandering your name, making fun of your light & laughing at your pain, until it's their turn to experience how it feels.
Thats when the cackling hyenas STFU, & all you hear are chirping crickets.
내 문서 누가 훔쳐간거 같은데 냉큼 되돌려놔라 도깨비가 훔쳐갔나 우이쒸
+ Miss Claire is 김보경 +
More nonsense.
ОтветитьThank you God and thank you Universe for protecting me from evil people. I forgive them. Amen 🙏 ❤❤❤😇😇😇
ОтветитьA friend I loved so much used to beat me , degrade me , made me do embarrassing things all for a laugh
And I was left with hyper sexuality , identity crisis, doing weird girly poses and some more shit
But after getting to know my soul the curses have faded away
I remember I wanted the worst to happen to her but nothing was going on and I was so upset thinking evil reigned supreme while the good ones suffer endlessly
And then I heard of how karma was tearing her up it’s hard to have sympathy for her . I once cared so much I’d die for her
We don’t talk anymore and I don’t care to now that I have better sense
Ответить"your wounds are Not Mere accidents they are Celestial insignias of Honor edged into your flesh and Soul by the universe itself each scar you bear is a testament to your unbreakable spirit and divine resilience marking you as a warrior in the cosmic Battle of existence.
these sacred scars are the physical manifestations of Your Inner Strength the battles you fought and the victories you've claimed."
This is poetry to my ears. Thank you so much!!! 😥
Retribution is actually correct. N just. For all the pain relentless actions of betrayal deceit. Malicious gossip lies drama arguments and hostile actions. There are people out here who cant take any more. Burdened by strain. It feels like a weight. Or a delay in healing before another event occurs. Its relentless. It needs to stop. People need to face their own errors. Divine justice.
ОтветитьNever ever, ever be quite because evil could be upset by your goodness or truth
I shall fear God and God only. If the entire population of the earth hated me for. I couldn’t care less
If I had to go into the most vicious battles against the most powerful in the earth, I will welcome it, with a different smile
When the good is afraid to speak because of the potential evil backlash, that implies we live in the world of evil and that they control us or have the power
That could NEVER be
God is the Greatest
No body can hurt me. Never
I am Victorious
+++❤+++ Shana
ОтветитьI think All are Hypocrits or Bandicuts